Wolf Jokes

What did the pig exclaim when the wolf grabbed its tail?
โ€œThatโ€™s the end of me!โ€
What do you call a werewolf who cuts down trees?
A timber wolf.
How do werewolves eat lunch?
They wolf it down.
What happened to the wolf that fell into the washing machine?
It became a wash and wearwolf.
Funny Poem: The Three Little Pigs The animal I really dig, Above all others is the pig. Pigs are noble. Pigs are clever, Pigs are courteous. However, Now and then, to break this rule, One meets a pig who is a fool. What, for example, would you say, If strolling through the woods one day, Right there in front of you you saw A pig who'd built his house of STRAW? The Wolf who saw it licked his lips, And said, 'That pig has had his chips.' 'Little pig, little pig, let me come in!' 'No, no, by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin!' 'Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!' The little pig began to pray, But Wolfie blew his house away. He shouted, 'Bacon, pork and ham! Oh, what a lucky Wolf I am!' And though he ate the pig quite fast, He carefully kept the tail till last. Wolf wandered on, a trifle bloated. Surprise, surprise, for soon he noted Another little house for pigs, And this one had been built of TWIGS! 'Little pig, little pig, let me come in!' 'No, no, by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin!' 'Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!' The Wolf said, 'Okay, here we go!' He then began to blow and blow. The little pig began to squeal. He cried, 'Oh Wolf, you've had one meal! Why can't we talk and make a deal? The Wolf replied, 'Not on your nelly!' And soon the pig was in his belly. 'Two juicy little pigs!' Wolf cried, 'But still I'm not quite satisfied! I know how full my tummy's bulging, But oh, how I adore indulging.' So creeping quietly as a mouse, The Wolf approached another house, A house which also had inside A little piggy trying to hide. 'You'll not get me!' the Piggy cried. 'I'll blow you down!' the Wolf replied. 'You'll need,' Pig said, 'a lot of puff, And I don't think you've got enough.' Wolf huffed and puffed and blew and blew. The house stayed up as good as new. 'If I can't blow it down,' Wolf said, I'll have to blow it up instead. I'll come back in the dead of night And blow it up with dynamite!' Pig cried, 'You brute! I might have known!' Then, picking up the telephone, He dialed as quickly as he could The number of red Riding Hood. 'Hello,' she said. 'Who's speaking? Who? Oh, hello, Piggy, how d'you do?' Pig cried, 'I need your help, Miss Hood! Oh help me, please! D'you think you could?' 'I'll try of course,' Miss Hood replied. 'What's on your mind...?' 'A Wolf!' Pig cried. 'I know you've dealt with wolves before, And now I've got one at my door!' 'My darling Pig,' she said, 'my sweet, That's something really up my street. I've just begun to wash my hair. But when it's dry, I'll be right there.' A short while later, through the wood, Came striding brave Miss Riding Hood. The Wolf stood there, his eyes ablaze, And yellowish, like mayonnaise. His teeth were sharp, his gums were raw, And spit was dripping from his jaw. Once more the maiden's eyelid flickers. She draws the pistol from her knickers. Once more she hits the vital spot, And kills him with a single shot. Pig, peeping through the window, stood And yelled, 'Well done, Miss Riding Hood!' Ah, Piglet, you must never trust Young ladies from the upper crust. For now, Miss Riding Hood, one notes, Not only has two wolfskin coats, But when she goes from place to place, She has a PIGSKIN TRAVELING CASE.
Do you wanna come dance with the big bad wolf? [ No! ] Its okay, the other two pigs said no too!
I just heard some coyotes outside. I don't want to sleep a lone wolf tonight.
A Snail On a Mission A bear, a moose, a fox, a wolf and a snail were playing cards around a table. Suddenly, the bear let out a faint roar and said: โ€œGuys, Iโ€™m hungry. Could someone go buy some chocolate, or whatever?โ€ The moose shook his head and nodded towards the fox, who irritatingly slammed his little paw on the table and muttered: โ€œWhy me? Why canโ€™t the wolf do it?โ€ But the snail bravely interrupted the conversation, before it got out of hand: โ€œGuys, guys! Thereโ€™s no reason to fight. Iโ€™ll go.โ€ The bear smiled a little and handed the snail a few, rolled-up dollars from his pockets: โ€œThanks, man. I appreciate it. While youโ€™re at it, buy something to drink, will ya?โ€ The snail winked, grabbed the money and briskly started to make his way out the door. Half an hour went by... An hour... An hour and a half... Almost two hours... At last, the bear snapped, dropped his cards to the floor and yelled: โ€œHey, you know what? I think the little bastard took the money and just left!โ€ A small yet fierce scream then came from near the door: โ€œIf youโ€™re gonna start insulting me, Iโ€™m not leaving at all!โ€
When you cross a wolf and Fred Astaire, you get dances with wolves.
When you cross a sheep and a wolf, you will end up with a new sheep, you canโ€™t make such a costly mistake with wolves.
A wolf that uses bad language is known as a swearwolf.
The only things wolves have that no other animal on the face of the earth has are wolf cubs.
A wolfswagon rabbit is by far the best car you can gift a wolf.
When you cross a wolf and a monkey, you end up with a howler monkey.
Of all the best pieces of wolf advice, this is my favorite, โ€œstand fur what you believeโ€
Did you get to hear his new collection of wolf puns? They are howl-arious, absolutely rib cracking.
Saw what I thought was a large dog coloring Easter eggs.
Turned out to be a dyer wolf.
Fastest Dad in the World Three youngsters were in the midst of a spirited debate to determine who had the swiftest dad. "My dad is the fastest!" Anya exclaimed excitedly. "He's a builder and can chuck a brick off the fifth floor, race down the stairs and catch it before it even hits the ground!" "That's nothing!" Brad boasted. "My dad is much faster! He's a professional archer and can target an arrow at a wolf's head, fire it, and then run and grab the creature before the arrow even lands!" "Incredible!" exclaimed Tommy. "But I think my father is way faster!" "What makes you say that?" asked Anya and Brad curiously. "My father has been working at the DMV for 20 years," Tommy answered. "he's expected to be off work at 5PM, but he's so speedy he's home by 1!"
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