Stalin Jokes

After Stalin died, he met the angel of death. The angel explained to Stalin he can only send him to hell but he lets him to choose which hell.
"Do you prefer to burn in a capitalist hell or a communist hell?" It asks him.
I choose the communist one because there will surely be a shortage of coal.
Why did Stalin only write in lower case?
he was afraid of capitalism.
The Soviet Tattletale... One day a Soviet Party member is walking through red square when he hears a man shout “down with the tyrant and his stupid mustache.” Immediately the party member drags the man to Stalin and explains what he said. Stalin, furious asks: why did you say that? The man replies he was talking about Hitler. Stalin listens and decides the man is telling the truth. He agrees with his sentiments and sends the man on his way. The party member is about to go as well but is stopped by Stalin and asked: "Tell me, comrade, which tyrant with a stupid mustache were you thinking of when you dragged the man here?"
Why did the Cold War go on for so long?
Because Russia kept Stalin.
Comrade Sun Stalin steps out on the balcony of the Kremlin one morning and sees the sun rise. "Good morning, Comrade Sun" he says. "Good morning, Comrade Stalin" the sun replies. Later in the day, as Stalin is heading to the NKVD headquarters to meet with Beria, he says, "Good afternoon, Comrade Sun". "Good afternoon, Comrade Stalin," the Sun replies. As he goes for his evening jog on the Kremlin's grounds, he says, "Good evening, Comrade Sun" No response. "I said 'Good evening, Comrade Sun!'" Stalin says, his anger rising. The Sun replies, "Screw you, I'm in the West now."
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