Fails Jokes

Counting the Engines It just happens that a long time ago, and for the first time in their lives, two country boys take their first flight from Florida to New York. While they're talking to each other they get interrupted by an announcement from the pilot: "Sorry to disturb you all but I think it's best you know one of our engines has failed. Don't worry we can still make it on 3 engines but there'll be a delay of one hour." So they begin talking again but soon another announcement is heard: "We regret to inform you that our second engine has failed which will mean another delay of an hour but don't worry we'll still make it." So the two grumble a bit but not for long as the pilot's voice is heard again after a few minutes: "Unfortunately our third engine has failed, meaning there'll be a delay of another hour to the journey." One of them turns to his friend and says, "Well darn, if that last engine fails we'll be up here all night!"
What instrument never fails to energize a crowd?
An electric guitar.
What do you do with a sick chemist? You try to helium, and then you try to curium, but if all else fails, you gotta barium.
An astronaut who normally fails on a weightlessness experiment, might surely be aware of the gravity of the situation.
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