Pray Jokes

Why did the hawk sit on the church’s steeple?
It was a bird of pray.
What do rabbits say before they eat? Lettuce pray.
Why did the hawk sit on the church’s steeple?
It was a bird of pray.
Which birds go to church a lot?
Birds of pray.
What did the priest say before he and his family ate their salad?
Lettuce pray.
Most of us spend the first six days of the week sowing wild oats, then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure. -- Fred Allen
“Having a child is liking getting a tattoo on your face. You better be committed.”

- 'Eat Pray Love'.
A bowl of salad went to church
Lettuce pray.
Praying at the Wall
In Jerusalem, a journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Wailing Wall to pray, twice a day, everyday, for a long, long time. She went to the Wailing Wall and there he was! She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, she approached him for an interview. “Sir, how long have you been coming to the Wall and praying?” “For about 50 years.” Said the old man. “50 years! That’s amazing! What do you pray for?” “Well, I pray for peace. I pray for all the hatred to stop and I pray for all our children to grow up wise, in safety and friendship.” “How do you feel after doing this for 50 years?” “Like I’m talking to a wall!”