Latest Jokes

Have you heard about the latest restaurant that opened up on moon?
No, how is that restaurant?
Police are investigating a string of homicides which have occurred over the last two weeks. The victims have identified as Cap'n Crunch, Toucan Sam, Tony the Tiger, and the latest victim, Lucky the Leprechaun.
They are looking for a cereal killer.
He was showing off his new gaming gadget, "it has the latest peach recognition technology" he said.
The skeleton would love to see the latest horror flick, but he just doesn't have the guts for it.
Dr. Frankenstein: Igor, have you seen my latest invention? It’s a new pill consisting of 50 percent glue and 50 percent aspirin.
Igor: But what is it for?
Dr. Frankenstein: For monsters with splitting headaches.
Why did the pianist have to be rushed into surgery after his latest performance?
He played his heart out.
The latest thing in flooring are these ductile floor tiles. They’re great because they’re flexible but...
They have a tendency to quack.