Artists Jokes

Did you hear about the new Netflix series? The one about a couple of poor female artists living in 1600s Rome?
I think it's called Two Baroque Girls
Why are artists so temperamental? They have to get into the right frame of mind.
Why do old artists never die? They just put things in perspective.
Why are artists so temperamental? They have to get into the right frame of mind.
Why do old artists never die? They just withdraw.
They say that she only paints night scenes. Other artists really pale by comparison.
Artists know how to draw the line, so you can't really peer pressure them.
Artists are colorful people who know how to draw on their emotions.
Q: How do Japanese artists bid farewell?
A: Cyan-Nara!
Two artists had an art contest. It ended in a draw.
I know a family of artists but I am not sure how they make so much money...
Very sketchy people.
People are always amazed by the skilled tattoo artists in Spain
Nobody expects the Spanish ink precision.
Why don’t vampire’s make good artists?
Because all they draw is blood.