I accidently sprayed deoderant in my mouth
Now every time I speak I have a weird Axe Scent.
What must a witty perfume have?
Scents of humor.
What do you call a tree that grows deodorant, toothpaste and tampons?
A toiletry.
Why is your nose in the middle of your face?
Because it's the scenter.
My sister just bought a set of odorless perfumes.
It doesn’t make any scents.
So Chanel is making a new perfume made entirely of rain water.
It’s called the Weather Chanel.
I used to hate my husband's cologne...
But then it started to rub off on me.
I got 5 packs of deodorant for a nickel.
Deodorant is a scent.
I just won local "Worst Body Odor Contest".
No one else came close.
The instructions on this stick deodorant said "remove cap and push up bottom"...
I can hardly walk!
What do you call a perfume that missed its deadline?
Eau de too late.
My wife is furious at me for buying an expensive make-your-own-perfume kit.
But it just made scents to me.
I forgot to put on deodorant this morning, so I went to the store on my way to work.
It was a quick pit stop.
I'm developing a new fragrance for introverts
It's called "Leave me the fuh cologne".
What is the most disgusting perfume ever made?
Eau de colon.
I ran out of deodorant.
I guess I'll go online and odor some more.
What did the judge say when a skunk walked into the courtroom?
"Odor in the court!"