Italy Puns

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Italy Puns

I'm a supervillain from Italy, I have the power to infect people with deadly diseases.
It’s-a-me, Malario.
If I were to wander around in Italy...
Would I be roamin'?
I asked my Italian grandfather if the rougher parts of Italy were called the spaghetto.
His look was pasty.
What do pups eat in Italy?
A mummified macaroni pizza was uncovered in Italy today.
The man who uncovered it says "It's a pizza of our pasta."
‪This is the first year I’m not going to Italy because of the coronavirus. ‬ ‪
Normally I don’t go because I’m poor‬.
In Italy there is a group pf moms creating soft cheese...
They brand themselves as MOMzarella.
Why did Italy surrender in WW2?
Because Italics aren't bold.
What do you call the generation of people that migrated from Italy?
There's a new film out about two insects that meet in Italy.
It's Rome ants.
Me and my friend were going to a costume party. He told me he was coming as a small island off the coast of Italy.
I said don’t be Sicily.