Did you hear about the geologist who went to jail?
He was charged with basalt and battery.
Did you hear the one about the geologist? He took his wife for granite so she left him.
What do you do with dead geologists?
You barium.
What do you call a can of pop found in a conglomerate?
Coca-Cola Clastic
How do geologists like to relax? In rocking chairs, of course!
What do you do with a dead geologists?
What did Darth Vader tell the geologist?
May the quartz be with you!
What do you call a periodic table with gold missing? "Au revoir"
Mountains aren't funny....? They're hilarious.
What element is derived from a Norse god? Thorium.
What happens when someone throws a rock at you? Rock bottom hits you.
Why are geologists no fun at parties?
They like to be stone-cold sober.
What happens when you keep reading geology jokes in your free time?
You know that you have really hit rock bottom.
How did the geology student drown?
His grades were below C-level.
Where do geologists like to relax? In a rocking chair Why are geologists good at stand up comedy? They know really dirty jokes.
Why are geologists so good in school?
They take nothing for granite.
According to a geologist, why is the world so diverse? Because it's made up of alkynes of people.
Why did the geologist take his girlfriend to the quarry? He wanted to get a little boulder. How did the geology student drown? His grades were below C-level