What's long, surprisingly bigger than expected, comes in different colors, and everyone wants a ride from?
A limousine.
What's green and sings? Elvis Parsley.
Jack is a lovable man with a colorful personality. He is a great hue-man.
The sun's favorite color is ultraviolet. Apparently, it glows with everything.
Why are artists so temperamental? They have to get into the right frame of mind.
What do you call a crimson-colored fish wearing a hat?
A red herring...
The artist successfully climbed the highest peak in the country. He attributed his success to the song, 'Paint No Mountain Higher!'
I just beat my friend in a Wild West themed art race!
I was quicker to the draw.
When the time came, he betrayed our team and showed his blue colors.
The favorite colors of fishes are deep blue and aquamarine blue.
My friend was going to a painting competition, so I wished him, "Grey the force be with you".
It's tough to tell if the sky is ever happy or not. It always looks so blue!
My least favourite hue is purple. It's worse than red and blue combined.
Did you hear about the color bomb?
Yeah it blue up.
When Papa red wanted to have some toppings on his bread, he told Son red, "Pass me the crimson!"
I was wondering about the color of the wind when it suddenly occurred to me that it blue.
The green light at the road signal looked at the red light and said, "Don't look while I am changing".
The ghost scared all the boys who ventured into the haunted house and then varnished into the almirah!
I wasn't expecting to be diagnosed as colour blind.
It really came out of the purple.
What was Moses' favorite color?
Red, see?
After bidding farewell to my neurosurgeon friend, we promised that we would grey in touch!
Q. Which African animal is the oldest?
A. The zebra. 'Cause it's in black and white.
The fact that we were asked to leave our beautiful purple color house by the owner is still purplexing for me.
As the incessant rain washed away the blue paint of the house, the owner sighed and said, "Cyanara!"