Cup Jokes

Why did Don Corleone send back the plate for his coffee cup?
Someone gave him a saucer he could not reuse.
Two flies are playing football on a saucer.
Theyโ€™re practicing for the cup.
What happens when you drink beer from a cup?
You both get drunk.
Why do Christians in Japan always put an extra cup at the table?
For God's sake.
What do you call a decent cup of coffee?
Just an average joe.
Why did the police arrest a cup of snow?
For just-ice
I was served by a former police officer at my local Applebeeโ€™s, I asked for a cup of water and he gave me a cup of ice instead and said
โ€œJust-ice has been servedโ€
So my daughter is calling me all excited. I come by her room to her holding her cup above her head and says "Dad look..."
"I'm breathing underwater."
What do you call a very sad cup of coffee?
A depresso.
The Ex-Jewish Rabbit So a rabbit is enjoying some earl grey in his garden when his friend arrives. His friend says, "Please come back to us." The rabbit, formerly Jewish, says, "No, sorry, I don't believe anymore." His friend grabs him by one arm and tugs, saying, "Come with me, come on! You have to join us down at the synagogue! You used to lead us and we miss you!" Almost dropping his cup due to the tugging, the rabbit rights himself and says, "You almost made me break my favorite cup! Please leave!" His friend angrily storms off. The rabbit's wife comes out and says, "What was that about?" The rabbit says, "My friend wanted me to lead the community at the synagogue again, but I would've had to drop the tea."
What is the Abominable Snowman's favourite type of cup?
A yeti.
To keep your marriage brimming
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever youโ€™re wrong, admit it;
Whenever youโ€™re right, shut up
(Ogden Nash)
Which nut has won the World Cup the most times?
A Brazil nut.
What competition do nuts participate in?
The peanut butter cup.
A Fresh Cup of Coffee A young man dressed walks tall through the doors of the local coffee shop one Sunday morning. He sits lazily and looks the place up and down before raising his hand and summoning a waiter. "I would like your FRESHEST coffee, none of that muddy stuff you probably usually make from yesterday's leftovers." The waiter assured him they make fresh coffee many times per day. "I'll believe it when I taste it." Said the young man. "I'm from New York and I know good coffee. There's very little chance you've got good coffee here, so at least make a new batch for me." and he shoos him away. The waiter goes to the kitchen and comes back with a cup of steamy coffee. The man tastes it and immediately makes a disgusted face. "Just what I thought, that's not FRESH. Come on, make me another one!" The waiter goes back to the kitchen and indeed takes some time to return. Upon his return he is holding a steaming and aromatic coffee cup. The waiter gives the gentleman the cup and he takes a sip... before spitting it out immediately. He turns to the waiter and shouts, โ€œThis is way worse! This coffee tastes like mud!โ€ The waiter, looking surprised, turns to the man and says, โ€œBut, sir, itโ€™s fresh ground!โ€
What does a gardener call the tree surgeon who also makes a great cup of coffee?
โ€œTo keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever youโ€™re wrong, admit it; whenever youโ€™re right, shut up.โ€โ€”Ogden Nash.
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