My chair finally broke down yesterday.
It just doesn't give a sit anymore.
My wife was a bit down so I decided to redecorate our living room.
Thought it would chair her up but sofa she haven't even noticed
Why does a milking chair only have three legs?
The cow has the udder.
What do you call donating a chair?
I said to my doctor, "I usually sit on the computer 12 hours a that bad?"
He replied, "That can't be too comfortable. Try a chair!"
Someone took my three-legged chair.
I guess it was stoolen
My husband hated my impulse purchase of a revolving chair, but then he sat on it.
Eventually he came around.
What do you call a chair in a suit?
A tuxSEATo
My chair is missing an arm and a leg.
That doesn't sit well with me.
My office chair broke. It’s letting me down.