A Frenchman, an Italian and a Russian all end up in hell. The Frenchman begs to make one last call home to see how his family is coping. The devil says, "Fine, it’ll cost you an extra thousand years in the flames."
The Frenchman agrees, and tearfully listens to his wife sleeping with his brother.
The Italian begs to call home to see how his daughters are doing.
"That’ll be an extra thousand years in the flaming pit." says the devil.
"So be it." says the Italian, and weeps as he listens to his children selling the farm.
"Now I want to call home," says the Russian, and grabs the receiver. He hears his neighbors robbing his house and hangs up in disgust.
"How many years is that?" he asks the devil.
"None." Says the devil.
"How dare you? shouts the Russian, "You took a thousand agonizing years off that Frenchie and the Italiano, what’s wrong? Is my pain not good enough for you?"
"No, no," says the devil, "it's just that local calls are free."