Potential Jokes

Why did the neuron like to sleep in the top bunk bed?
It wanted to have a high resting potential.
An action potential takes the train to school. What is the name of the train station where it gets off for school?
Axon terminal.
What did the Hollywood film director say to the young neuron that wanted to be an actor?
"Hey kid, you've got potential."
Why did the action potential cross the optic chiasm?
To get to the other side.
I C Major potential in us getting together.
My Physics teacher said I have no potential.
Joke's on her, I just bought a ladder.
A physics teacher is about to jump off a high bridge
When a friend stops him saying, "Don't do it, you have so much potential."
Why do physics professors prefer overweight students?
They have greater potential.
My physics teacher told me i had so much potential, so much energy.
Then I fell down the stairs and lost it all.
The Perfect Car for His Wife
A man walks into a car dealership. A salesman greets him at the door and after some chatting they end up taking a car for a test drive. “This car is so quiet sir” exclaims the salesman “the ride is calm and relaxing”. The man shakes his head “No, I’m buying this car for my wife and I certainly wouldn’t describe her as the ‘quiet and calm’ type”. The salesman quickly transfers his potential buyer to another car. “Then perhaps this would be more her style! This car is quick, sleek and agile”. The man sighs “no, my wife is certainly not the ‘sleek’ type by any means.” Frustrated, the salesman transfers the man to a third car, a sure winner. “Now sir, I happen to know this car is very popular. Nearly every man who has been here has taken it for a test drive-“ “Sold!”
As the local drunk, I'm quite worried about the corona virus.
It's got potential tequila lot of people.
What did the father say to his falling son?
Son, you've got potential.
“If you had to identify in one word the reason why the human race has not achieved and never will achieve its full potential, that word would be ‘meetings.” – Dave Barry
Wanna partner up so we can test the spring potential of my bed mattress?
Come with me, let’s convert our potential energy into kinetic energy.
"Bulb: potential flower buried in Autumn, never to be seen again."
- Henry Beard