Happening Jokes

Ever wonder what's happening under Orion's belt?
I don’t know why everyone is so upset about untraditional family structures, it’s been happening in the animal world for years. For example, all water buffalos have three parents.
One oxygen buffalo and two hydrogen buffalos.
What did the Gorilla say when he saw there was a sale happening?
Ooh! OOh! OOOh!!!!
What’s a Biblical happening for nuts?
“The nut-tivity.“
“New York is an exciting town where something is happening all the time — most, unsolved.”
Johnny Carson
A man has found water while digging in his backyard. For many years, he used the water at home saving tons of money until one day, the water stopped flowing. So he dug a little bit further and found water again and used it for years until it also dried up. This time, he went further, brought a digging machine, and dug a deeper hole until he found water.
Neighbors, annoyed by the noise, called the local sheriff who arrives to check what was happening in the backyard. The sheriff discovering the scene in the backyard says:
"Well, well, well ... What have we got here?"
What do koalas do when they see social injustice happening in the world? They fight for ekoalaty!