Facial Jokes

What kind of facial hair should a sea captain have?
A boatee.
What is a butchers favorite facial hair style?
Mutton chops.
"I like a man that can pull off facial hair."
I think your supposed to use a razor.
I grew facial hair without telling anyone.
It's my secret 'stache.
Did you guys see the cow with facial hair?
It has a moo-stache.
Right, I'm off to grow some facial hair above my top lip...
Must dash.
What to you call a legume with facial hair?
A mustachio!
A guy was storing all the facial hair since he was young and had created a huge pile.
When his wife told him to get rid of it, he said "no, it's a must stash".
I used to hate facial hair...
But then it grew on me.
I grew facial hair without telling anyone.
It's my secret 'stache.
What do you call a nut with facial hair?
A mustachio.