What's the worst part about being a beaver?
It's a lot of dam work.
Beaver jokes
Can be pretty dam funny.
Q: What did the sign for the party for beavers say?
A: Beaver or be square.
Q: Why did the beaver need an alarm clock?
A: It was to dam early.
What does a beaver from Philly drink?
Had beaver curry last night.
Bit like a normal curry, just a little otter.
What did the beaver say to his girlfriend?
Chew make me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.
A beaver goes into a bar and sees a man standing behind the bar and asks him...
"Excuse me sir. Is the bar tender here?"
Why did the beaver stop cutting down trees?
The work gave him gnawsea
What did the beaver say when it saw it's home on fire?
Hot Dam!