Are you accepting applications for your fan club? I'd love to join.
I like Ronaldo, But I'd like to get Messi.
Are you a can of bear spray? ‘Cause you really spice things up around here.
Are you a break stroker? Because you make my knees weak.
Can you feel that universal energy flowing from me to you?
You’re such an adventure, let me explore you.
Do you run track? Because you are running laps around my heart.
You wanna score or just knock around some soccer balls?
Nice life preservers.
My skate blade is not the only thing made of steel.
Can you run with me so I can tell my friends I've ran with an angel?
You can shiver my timbers anytime.
Would you like to share fire with me?
My lead off's not great, and though I may be off base, I'd like to take you on a date.
I think I glove you.
Are you a pranayama teacher? Because you just took my breath away.
The best stretches are partner stretches.
Hey there cyclist, is that your kickstand, or are you just happy to see me?
If I buy a soccer ball, will you kick it with me?
Football players get cheerleaders, but hockey players bring them home.
I wish this gym had a stationary bike built for two.
There's nothing humble about my warrior.
You run like light. How can I get high-speed access?
Girl, let me take you home and show you my advanced statistic.
Hey the cyclist, can I take you for a spin on my handlebars?
You sweep me off my feet!
What are your times? Because I can show you the time of your life.
You hear that? The ocean wants you to join me for a drink.
You make my heart race, and there is no finish line.
The only thing tender today is my heart for you
Can I be one of the men in your box?
If I am a GPS, will you take me running every day?
Baby, are you a lane rope? Because I want to lay on you all day long.
I’ve never seen a sleeker frame.
Are you doing Ananda Balasana, or are you just happy to see me, baby?
I know you are a goalie but I hope you don’t stop me from scoring tonight.
Do you mind if I slip my rope under your route?
My love for you is like this hike. It goes on and on.
Is that an energy bar in your pocket, or are you just happpy to see me?
Do you like yoga? Because yoganna love what I can offer you.
You like curling? Check out me curling my biceps!
I hand out couple assists per game, but never landed on a dime like you
If I said I'd like to score on you tonight would you think I was being too forward?
Would you sit on my feet while I do push ups?
Once you finish deep breathing, do you want to start panting?
You remind me of my last biking accident. Because I am going head over heels for you.
You're like baseball: You make me all nervous
Hey girl. I won this gold medal, but I'd really like to win your heart.
Want to become my new personal best?
Girl you are rocking this run.