Replacement Jokes

Did you hear about the guy who got a metal jaw replacement?
I think he just did it for a tin chin.
I need a front door for my hall,
The replacement I bought was too tall.
So I hacked it and chopped it,
And carefully lopped it,
And now the dumb thing is too small.
A surgeon was about to perform heart surgery when he received notice that the replacement was delivered to his house!
Home is where the heart is.
Did you hear about the poker player who lost his arm and got a prosthetic replacement?
He’s finding it hard to deal with.
Why would an oreo cookie need to visit a dentist? To get a filling replacement.

What do you call two cookies from the same cookie sheet who fall in love? A batch made in heaven.
Who is the coolest Doctor in the hospital?
The hip Doctor!
Who is the second coolest man in hospital?
The hip replacement guy!