Why do comedians often start their act with peanut butter jokes? They love to warm up the crown by spreading the laughter.
Why is peanut butter a bad secret keeper? Because it tends to spread it and not keep it.
Why was Officer Peanut Butter out in the road? Because he was directing a traffic jam.
What sandwich spread makes people itch?
Flea-nut butter.
When is the peanut butter due to arrive?
In a Jif.
Why was the peanut butter upset at his retirement party?
He was roasted.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Butter who?
I butter nut tell you.
Why was there peanut butter in the middle of the road?
It went with the traffic jam.
What competition do nuts participate in?
The peanut butter cup.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Peanut who?
Peanut butter open the door!