
Grilled Vegetable Mix

Grilled vegetables are the best companion to your grilled meat. It's a nice complimentary serving of carbs and flavor to go with any type of meat you grill. This time we're serving you with some less-likely grilled vegetables that deserve a spot on the rack. 

If you like this veggie grill, maybe you'll enjoy our full-fruit barbeque

Prep Time 20 minutes
Serves: 5
Difficulty Level: Low
Grilled Vegetable Mix
Ingredients for vegetable BBQ:
Salt and Pepper - as needed
Olive oil - as needed
Brussels sprouts - 1 pack (frozen or fresh)
Frozen soy pods - 1 pack
Balsamic vinegar - as needed
Method of preparing the vegetable BBQ:
  1. Treat the vegetables before you start: thaw if frozen, or clean if fresh. Cut away dead leaves, ends, and roots. Set the grill to high heat.
  2. Mix salt, pepper, olive oil and any other seasoning you'd like. Toss the lettuce hearts, brussels sprouts and soy pods in the mix. preperation
  3. Thread the sprouts on a skewer. Spread a sheet of foil on the grill for the soy pods. preperation
  4. Grill the vegetables 5 minutes each side and serve. Finish with a drizzle of balsamic.
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Related Topics: grill , vegetables , brussels sprouts , soy , lettuce
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