We've all heard about the benefits of turmeric. But just because something is natural and plant-based it doesn't mean th.. Read More
What Happens When You Quit Sugar? You'll Be Surprised!
What happens to your body when you quit sugar? Find out!
Don't Let Your Posture Wreak Havoc on Your Body! Try This!
How can you improve your posture? Here are three exercises you should try.
The Easy Way to Clean Your Computer's Keyboard
Cleaning a dirty keyboard is quite a straightforward task, as you're about to find out.
Here's How to Turn Your Waste Into an Abundant Fuel Source
Did you know that you can re-purpose your domestic waste into unlimited fuel? Learn this amazing method in this video.
This Is What it Truly Means to Be Addicted
What is addiction and what are its causes? Discover all you need to know about addiction here.
Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid? This Will Surprise You!
If you use a smartphone you need to see this!
10 Free Ancestry Sites for Tracing Your Family History
Here are 10 of the best free ancestry sites that can help you uncover your family’s story.
Valentine's Day: Get Lovely Backgrounds for Mobile and PC
we’ve prepared a diverse collection to suit every taste and turn your screen into a beautifully designed little love keepsake. Wishing you a happy Valentine's Day!
Over 50? These 7 Key Muscles Keep You Moving & Strong
If you are over 50, you must watch this video for your health...
The MOST EFFECTIVE Tip for Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin!
This is the most important skin advice you need to hear.
The Real Cause of Stomach Ulcers Will Surprise You!
It’s a common misconception that stomach ulcers are caused by emotional upsets, spicy food, or psychological distress. But this is not the case...
Looking at Caffeine, Shampoo and Rosemary for Hair Growth
Looking at the real research done behind these ingredients helps us see which really help and which still needs more research to know if they are effective on humans.
10 Healing Scents That Can Do Wonders for Body and Mind
Smell evokes memories and happy memories but there’s more to scent than nostalgia. Smell offers many benefits for your body and mind.
Have You Been Eating These Foods Wrong This Whole Time?
Learn how you might have been eating some fruits and veggies the wrong way all this time and not getting their full benefits.
Want to Keep Your Arteries Clean? Give This Drink a Try
Keep your heart healthy with this amazing little drink.
11 Mistakes People Make with Supplements
These supplement mistakes could harm your health.
WATCH: What Do Your Fingernails Say About Your Health?
Your fingernails can say a whole lot about your health, and this video will show you why you should pay more attention to them in the event of abnormalities.
Transform Your Health with These Amazing Neck Techniques
These neck drills won't just relieve your neck discomfort, but will also treat a variety of neurological problems.
Study: Can Our Sense of Time Heal Us Faster?
A recent groundbreaking study delves into how our perception of time can significantly impact the physical process of healing.
A Beginners Yoga Sequence to Alleviate Stress
When we're tired and stressed out, it's difficult to achieve calmness and relaxation. This beginner-friendly yoga sequence is an approachable way to find relief.
10 Root Vegetables With Extraordinary Health Benefits
This winter, make sure you add these super healthy root vegetables to your diet for an extra dose of nutrition.
How to Treat an Obstruction in Your Stomach
Did you know that you can naturally treat gastric obstructions by adding to organic ingredients to your diet?
STOP Calf Pain - The Best Stretches for Your Sore Calves
Get rid of your calf pain for good with these simple exercises.
7 Frozen Foods That Could Be Hurting Your Heart
These frozen foods are slowly destroying your arteries.
How to Survive a Heart Attack if You Are Alone
Learn how to survive a heart attack if you're alone using a useful Chinese breathing method.
These Alcoholic Drinks Actually Have Some Health Benefits..
we've prepared a list of 8 common spirits and the health benefits they can bring with responsible, moderate consumption.
The Good Dietary Habits For a Healthy, Lean Body After 50
In this article, we'll provide you with some practical tips on good eating and drinking habits to acquire after 50 for a healthy, lean body.
WARNING: Why You Should Stay Away From Star Fruit
Hear more about the star fruit, and why you too should avoid it to prevent the risk of brain damage.
Once and For All: Is Milk Bad For You?
Milk is one of those polarizing subjects. No matter what your stance on the matter is, this video is sure to deepen your knowledge about milk
Constantly Clearing Your Throat? Try These Remedies
Frustrated with constant throat clearing? Try these remedies.
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Foot and Leg Pain? Try These Neuropathy Exercises
Peripheral neuropathy can be a real challenge, especially for older adults. But you can manage its symptoms with these gentle exercises.
Can Olive Oil Reduce the Risk of Dementia?
If you only consume 7 grams of olive oil daily, which is about half a tablespoon, you can reduce your risk of death from dementia by 28% .
Melt Away Neck Pain and Tension Headaches With These Tips!
Tension at the base of the neck is a common cause of tension headaches, neck pain, and many other issues. Let these 3 exercises help you in just a few minutes!
What Would Happen to Our Bodies if We Didn't Drink Water?
Watch: What role does water play in our body and how much do we actually need to drink to stay healthy?
This 92-Year-Old Fitness Instructor Enlivens our Spirits!
She is 92, but fitness is her life!
All About Gut Health, Prebiotics and Probiotics
Your beginner's guide to everything related to probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics.
Guide: How to Prevent Recurring Nightmares
If you suffer from nightmares regularly, chances are there's something you can do to stop them.
Ensure a Good Night’s Sleep with This Easy Yoga Practice
Trouble unwinding and falling asleep at night? Try following this easy yoga tutorial
How to Effectively Improve Leg Circulation by About 75%
Here’s how you can improve blood circulation in your legs and feet effectively.
7 Crucial Things You Don't Know About Your Immune System
Our immune system is one of the most incredible biological structures. It protects us from viruses, infections and other harmful bacteria. But here are a few things about it I bet you didn't know!
Protecting Yourself from Medical Errors: A Patient's Guide
Medical negligence is on the rise – here’s how you can keep yourself safe from it.
Learn Five Key Exercises for Shoulder Impingement Recovery
In this video, Dr. David will guide you through the top 5 shoulder impingement exercises to help you recover and regain your strength.
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