Panic attacks can be sudden and overwhelming. They are quite common and can also happen to anybody. Furthermore, it is q.. Read More
Cutting Out Fast Food for 7 Days Will Have Major Benefits
Cutting out fasy food from your life for just a week can have great effect on your body. A health expert explains how...
Wearing the Same Pajamas for 2 Days? You Really Shouldn't
Most of us don't bother changing our pajamas for more than two days in a row. But that's not a very healthy habit...
Frustrated With Your Dandruff? Here’s How to Get Rid Of it
Dandruff can be quite irritating, particularly in the winter months. Learn what causes it and you can get rid of it.
Are You Allergic to Some Foods? This May Be the Reason Why
Are you allergic to certain kinds of foods? Have you ever wondered why? This video provides some answers.
Did You Know That Vitamin D Can Help Save Your Life?
Vitamin D can help influence your body in many amazing ways that you probably didn't even know about.
Did You Know That Seaweed Can Help You Lose Weight?
Did you know that eating seaweed can help you lose weight? Find out more benefits of eating these aquatic plants every day.
10 Free Ancestry Sites for Tracing Your Family History
Here are 10 of the best free ancestry sites that can help you uncover your family’s story.
Why Clove Water Could Change Your Health Forever
Adding a few cloves to your morning water could transform your wellness routine.
This Diet Slows Down Hearing Loss
Certain diets can preserve and maintain good hearing while slowing hear loss.
Easy Upper Body Workout to Help Seniors Stay Active
Here's an easy and effective workout for seniors to build their upper body strength.
Over 50? These 7 Key Muscles Keep You Moving & Strong
If you are over 50, you must watch this video for your health...
Looking at Caffeine, Shampoo and Rosemary for Hair Growth
Looking at the real research done behind these ingredients helps us see which really help and which still needs more research to know if they are effective on humans.
The 7 Best Frozen Shoulder Exercises for Quick Relief
Struggling with a frozen shoulder? Try these exercises for quick relief.
Find Out if You’re Aging Well with These 3 Simple Tests
Test your longevity with these three at-home assessments.
What You Should Drink After a Meal for Better Digestion
What should we drink after a meal for better digestion?
Wake Up with Better Posture—Simple Sleep Tips
Correct your hunchback posture while you sleep with these easy tips.
I Never Knew That Cassia Cinnamon Is Poisonous!
Not all cinnamon is good for you. Shockingly, most of the cheap cinnamon, cassia, can cause liver damage. Here's how to avoid it.
How Red Light Can Improve Declining Vision
Can red light therapy improve your vision?
Zero Sugar: What You REALLY Need to Know
Are zero sugar foods really healthy? Let’s find out…
The Real Cause of Stomach Ulcers Will Surprise You!
It’s a common misconception that stomach ulcers are caused by emotional upsets, spicy food, or psychological distress. But this is not the case...
Autopsies Find New Culprit Causing Alzheimer's Disease
Recent research spearheaded by the University of Washington has shed new light on the role of microglia in Alzheimer's disease...
How to Cook Eggs for Optimal Nutrition
These cooking hacks make eggs healthier.
Sleeping Risk: How to Save Your Brain While At Rest
For the first time, researchers have identified the effect of our breathing rate during sleep.
Hemorrhoids: How to Treat Them the Natural Way
In this article you will find out what are the causes of the problem, what are its symptoms, how to alleviate it in natural ways as well as other ways to deal with its symptoms.
Finding it Hard to Get Off from the Floor? Watch This...
Struggling to get up from the floor frequently? Watch this video for some safe, easy tips.
Want Strong Bones? Start These Exercises Today
Follow these expert-recommended workouts for healthy bones.
MUST WATCH: Full-Body Chair Workout Guide for Seniors
This full chair workout for seniors covers every area of your body!
Experience Instant Benefits with This Thumb Technique!
Try this thumb reflex technique to experience multiple health benefits!
Tired of Having Achy Knees? Try These Exercises
These simple traction exercises relieve pressure and pain in the knee by literally pulling and creating space in your joints.
How to Stop Leg Cramps Immediately - The Perfect Remedy
If you're over 50 and have regular leg cramps, stop everything and watch this video.
10 Cholesterol-Rich Foods: Which are Healthiest to Eat?
This article looks at which cholesterol-rich foods are more recommended and which are less.
Do You Crack Your Knuckles? You Need to Watch This
Knuckle cracking is a common habit, annoying for some people, a ritual for others. But is it bad for bones? This video will reveal all.
16 Alkaline Foods You MUST Include In Your Daily Diet
Did you know about the many benefits of an alkaline-rich diet?
Learn Three Exercises to Reduce Anxiety and PTSD
Learn 3 simple exercises to deal with those moments when your anxiety gets too "loud" and you need a coping mechanism.
Dr. Explains: An Ocular Migraine or a Migraine 'Aura'?
Today, we're joined by Dr. Michael Chua, who will help us understand the differences between ocular migraines and aura migraines.
Exercise Your Knees at Home to Prevent Recurring Pain
Knee pain is one of the most common pains, but these simple exercises can help you out...
Struggling With Obesity? These Exercises Can Help a Lot
Struggling with obesity? Doing these exercises can change your life for the better.
The SURPRISING Health Benefits of Chia Seeds
Here’s why you should add chia seeds to your daily diet.
Start Using Yoga For Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief
If you are suffering from a lot of knots and tightness in your neck and shoulder muscles, then give these yoga stretches a try.
For Great Health, Add Goji Berries to Your Shopping List!
From fighting aging to a super-charged immune system, this miracle fruit carries with it so many health benefits it should be in everyone's shopping cart.
Boost Your Eye Health with These Simple Exercises
These simple techniques can help keep your eyes feeling fresh.
Did This Technique Just Kill 99% of Cancer Cells?
This revolutionary method, employing the power of vibrating molecules, heralds a new dawn in the fight against cancer, offering hope for a more efficient and less invasive approach to treatment.
Sit Like This at the Computer to Avoid Backache
This brilliant video shows you how you can avoid back pain when sitting at your computer.
These Tips Can Help You Beat Diabetes in 4 Weeks!
Can you really beat diabetes? These hacks are worth a try...
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