Dr. Ellsworth Wareham, a famous cardiothoracic surgeon who retired at the age of 95, believes that a healthy lifestyle i.. Read More
Was the Medieval European Diet Healthy or Even Tasty?
This video attempts to demonstrate the approximate everyday diet of a regular Medieval European citizen, and it's very surprising...
There Are Creatures in Your Gut - and that’s a Good Thing
A video discussion of gut bacteria, their importance and how to best promote a diverse microbiome in the gut.
This Doctor Tried the Keto Diet and This is What He Thinks
Curious to try the KETO Diet? Listen to what a doctor has to say first.
This Video Will Teach You About the Causes of Heartburn
Heartburn is a problem for many of us, but what actually causes it, and how can it be treated? Find out in this informative video.
What You Should & Shouldn't Eat With a Stomach Ache
Not sure what you should and shouldn't eat with an upset stomach? This video has all the answers!
STUDY: Drinking Coffee Can Increase Bad Cholesterol Levels
A new study has just been published showing that drinking coffee can actually add to bad cholesterol. Learn more in this video.
Facts from History You’ve Likely Never Heard Before
If you’re someone who loves uncovering the lesser-known corners of the past, you’ll find something special here.
FUNNY: Dad Turns his Kid's Lunch Bags Into Daily Laughs
Meet Dave, better known as “Sandwich Bag Dad,” whose hilarious dad jokes will have you chortling.
Start Using Yoga For Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief
If you are suffering from a lot of knots and tightness in your neck and shoulder muscles, then give these yoga stretches a try.
11 Health Benefits of the Glasswort Plant
In addition to reducing sodium intake, salicornia has several other health benefits that we think you should know about...
Can Food Additves Prevent Gray Hair?
Can food additives prevent gray hair, or is it a myth? The answer is a bit complicated and we discuss it in this article.
Ear Check: How Old is Your Hearing?
Try this handy and quick hearing test to see if your hearing is impaired, old for your age or younger than you!
Here's a Fast Technique to Put You to Sleep In 1 Minute
Struggling to fall asleep at night? Here’s a super exercise that might make you doze off in just 60 seconds.
6 NATURAL Ways to Treat Swollen Feet & Ankles
Swelling in your feet and ankles can lead to a variety of complications. Here’s how you can get rid of the naturally.
Wake Up with Better Posture—Simple Sleep Tips
Correct your hunchback posture while you sleep with these easy tips.
Discover What Happens In Your Body When You Have a Fever
Have you ever wondered exactly why does our body produce a fever? Find out more in this video.
9 Low-Calorie Cereals That'll Maintain Your Weight
The 9 most recommended grains for a low-carb diet and for maintaining weight and general health.
Cancer Stages: How Cancer Type Affects Staging
The stage of cancer is more than just a number.
The Added Benefits of Walking No One Told You Before
We all know walking is good for our health. But we bet you didn’t know about these little-known benefits of the activity.
Relieve Pain in the Feet and Heels in Just a Few Minutes!
Do you experience frequent pain at the bottom of the feet? If so, check out these simple exercises for instant relief!
What is a Normal Heartbeat, and and Why Does it Change?
What is a normal heartbeat? And do we get the same speed over all our life time? This video is about to give you those answers, and more...
The MOST EFFECTIVE Tip for Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin!
This is the most important skin advice you need to hear.
Oversleeping: How Much Sleep is Too Much?
This article explores the complexities of oversleeping, its potential causes, associated health risks, and offers guidance on managing excessive sleep.
Did You Know Your Ears Hold Secrets About Your Heart?
Could that small vertical mark on your ear have something to do with heart disease? Here is a simple test that could protect you from serious damage to your health.
A Different Kind of Dementia: Lewy Body in Focus
Lewy body dementia, or LBD, is a brain disorder that not many are aware of.
5 Common Myths About Sugar We Must Stop Believing
In this video, we discover the truth behind 5 of the most common myths about sugar.
Important: The Dangers of Mixing Drugs Explained
What happens when we mix these drugs? Find out in this informative video.
This 10-Minute Brain Exercise Will Recharge Your Brain
Suffer from headaches, migraines, or brain fog? This 10-minute exercise can really help.
Your Lungs Will Be in Great Shape With These Exercises
Want to increase lung capacity? Use this wonderfully effective technique.
Natural Methods to Improve Hearing That Actually Work
Now you can improve your hearing at home with these natural methods.
Losing Muscle in Your Mature Years? Here's What You Do...
Struggling with muscle loss? Here’s how to fight back…
How to Start Getting Into Shape Without Equipment
Today you'll learn about 10 exercises you can do right now at home
Sit Like This at the Computer to Avoid Backache
This brilliant video shows you how you can avoid back pain when sitting at your computer.
Lose Weight by Using This Japanese Breathing Technique
This extraordinary deep-breathing weight-loss technique is known as the Japanese breathing technique to losing weight.
Start Soaking Raisins! Here’s Why It’s Worth It
Start your day with soaked raisins for multiple health benefits.
10 Instant Self-Checks Worth Performing Regularly at Home
Our body can give certain signs we don't always realize are indications of a bad health or disease - learn 10 brilliant ways of checking out your body for these signs regularly from home.
The Complete Map to Our Most Important Pressure Points!
According to ancient oriental beliefs, every organ in the human body has a representative pressure point in the hand and the foot. Find out all about them here.
This Video Taught Me All I Needed to Know About Memory
Have you ever wondered how memories form and are stored, or why some get lost, while others remain forever?
HOW MUCH Exercise Do I Need to Burn Off These Foods?
Before you go for that takeaway, you should see how much exercise you will need to do to burn off those calories. This chart will show you.
Tired of Having Achy Knees? Try These Exercises
These simple traction exercises relieve pressure and pain in the knee by literally pulling and creating space in your joints.
Health Tips: The Best Natural Alternative for Viagra
Drinking this healthy drink everyday can help cure erectile dysfunction
Learn Whether You're at High Risk of Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is the third-most deadly cancer that you can be diagnosed with. This video details who's most at risk of developing it.
Understanding How Alzheimer’s Affects the Brain
Find out how Alzheimer's disease impacts the brain and why finding a cure remains challenging.
New Research Shows Surprising Way to Repair Damaged Nerves
This common deficiency could be damaging your nerves.
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