A headache at the beginning or end of your day can ruin a good mood and suck the joy out of life, and many of us may hav.. Read More
3 Simple Dietary Recommendations to Reduce ANXIETY
The foods we eat influence both our physical and mental wellbeing. These 3 simple changes in your diet can help you become less anxious in your daily life.
8 Enjoyable and Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Drinks
Fight inflammation and strengthen your immune system the natural way with these 8 enjoyable anti-inflammatory drinks!
How to Improve Your Neck Posture in 30 Days
A forward head posture affects the alignment of the entire spine and may lead to neck pain and even headaches. Here's how to improve your neck posture.
Learn How to Tie The Constrictor Knot
The Constrictor Knot is one of the simplest and most useful knots in existence. Learn how to tie it right away!
These Delicious Desserts Are Healthy Too!
These 5 easy and delicious treats are all naturally sweetened and filled with nutritious ingredients and healthy fats!
How to Make a Delicious Salad Every Time + 3 Recipes
A salad is a lot more than a mandatory side dish to every meal. With these tips and basic recipes, you'll be able to make endless delicious salad combinations.
Hilarious Ad Fails You Won’t Believe Got Approved- 16 Pics
These ad blunders are as funny as they are bizarre.
When is it Panic Attack and Not Just Anxiety?
In this article, we explain what anxiety is, what a panic attack is, what the difference between them is.
What’s the Best Way to Remove Skin Tags?
What is the best and safest way to remove skin tags?
Your Lungs Will Be in Great Shape With These Exercises
Want to increase lung capacity? Use this wonderfully effective technique.
Tutorial: Relieve a Stiff Neck Naturally in Just 90 Seconds!
Take a look at several great stretches that you can try that will alleviate a stiff neck.
Owning a Cat Can Do Wonders For Your Health!
Pet ownership, especially cat ownership, can improve the quality of a person's life. Here are 10 health benefits of owning a cat.
Dr. Explains: An Ocular Migraine or a Migraine 'Aura'?
Today, we're joined by Dr. Michael Chua, who will help us understand the differences between ocular migraines and aura migraines.
Which Drinks Increase Your Risk of Stroke?
Let’s see what exactly these studies say, which drinks are worth drinking more of, and which ones are best to avoid.
Did You Know: Why Are There Different Blood Types?
There are four main blood types that are prevalent throughout humanity. Watch this fascinating video to learn about blood types and their differences.
Foot Hurts When Walking? Avoid These Mistakes!
Does your foot hurt while walking? You might be making some mistakes without even realizing.
The "Longevity Vitamin": Where Can You Get Some?
Watch the video to understand all about Ergothioneine, and why it's referred to as the "longevity vitamin".
Lose Weight by Using This Japanese Breathing Technique
This extraordinary deep-breathing weight-loss technique is known as the Japanese breathing technique to losing weight.
The Symptoms of a Fatty Liver and How to Treat it!
Fatty deposits on your liver can seriously hinder its function. In this video, Dr. Berg explains the symptoms of a fatty liver and how to treat it.
STOP Calf Pain - The Best Stretches for Your Sore Calves
Get rid of your calf pain for good with these simple exercises.
If Your Feet Hurt, Then You Should Really Try This...
Want to banish plantar fasciitis for good? Here are some exercises that you simply must try!
Fix Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff Injuries & Impingement
A deeper look into why addressing scapular dysfunction can be a game-changer and how you can effectively fix these common shoulder ailments once and for all.
Start Using Yoga For Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief
If you are suffering from a lot of knots and tightness in your neck and shoulder muscles, then give these yoga stretches a try.
Deep Breathing Alone Can Help You Lose Weight, Here’s How
Can breathing exercises really burn belly fat? Here's what you need to know.
Who's Most At Risk of Colon Cancer? Find Out Here!
Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer and deaths in the world. So who’s most at risk? How can it be screened? Find out here!
The MOST Important Exercise to Practice For Seniors
This video will walk you through one simple exercise recommended daily for older adults.
Foot and Leg Pain? Try These Neuropathy Exercises
Peripheral neuropathy can be a real challenge, especially for older adults. But you can manage its symptoms with these gentle exercises.
The Link Between Nightmares and Autoimmune Disorders
Nightmares might serve as an early warning system for the onset of autoimmune disorders in the brain, according to new research.
7 Easy Ways to Reverse Receding Gums Naturally
Worried about your receding gums? These useful tips will help…
These Fruits Will Keep Seniors Healthy and Happy
Keep yourself healthy and happy in your sixties with these awesome fruits.
Make Your Aches & Pains Disappear Using This Method
If you suffer from aches and pains, use reflexology and acupressure to help alleviate the pain.
7 Crucial Things You Don't Know About Your Immune System
Our immune system is one of the most incredible biological structures. It protects us from viruses, infections and other harmful bacteria. But here are a few things about it I bet you didn't know!
Looking at Caffeine, Shampoo and Rosemary for Hair Growth
Looking at the real research done behind these ingredients helps us see which really help and which still needs more research to know if they are effective on humans.
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Ingrown Toenails – Myths, Facts, and How to Treat Them
Having an ingrown toenail can be an annoyance at best, and a dangerous medical condition at worst. Learn how to treat and prevent it.
Can Aging Be Cured in Your Lifetime? It May Be So...
Could there be a cure for aging? Watch this video and find out!
14 Super Foods that Fight to Prevent Cancer
These super foods, taken daily, have been proven to fight to free your body from the risk of cancer.
Studies Show You Can Improve Your Bone Health with Almonds
Osteoporosis is a common illness in the US. This video shows what happens to bone cells when blood is drawn before and four hours after almond consumption.
7 Anxiety-Inducing Activities You Are Unknowingly Doing
Be careful! These supposedly calming common habits are making you more anxious.
IMPORTANT: This is the One Thing Every Diabetic Should Do
You can help avoid diabetic neuropathy by following these tips.
WATCH: What Do Your Fingernails Say About Your Health?
Your fingernails can say a whole lot about your health, and this video will show you why you should pay more attention to them in the event of abnormalities.
7 Things Stress Does to Everybody, Without Exception
Stress is one of the biggest problems we have to deal with in modern life. Here are 7 recent conclusions about stress you should know about.
4 EASY Dizziness Exercises for Home Vestibular Rehab
Treat dizziness, vertigo, and motion sensitivity at home with these exercises.
Memory Not Working? The Answer May Be Hiding in Your Sleep
If you want to remember better, this lecture will tell you - The answer is in your sleep.
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