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Home Remedies to Deworm Your Dog

It's not something that dog owners want to think about, but most dogs will suffer from intestinal worms at some point in their lives. The most clear-cut signs are white, squiggly worms in your dog's stool. However, there are other symptoms which could signify a worm infestation, such as vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea, dull coat, increase in appetite, anemia, rubbing their bum on the ground (to sooth an itch) and mild to severe coughing.

The most common way that a dog picks up worms is by playing in infested soil, drinking stagnant water, drinking the milk of an infected mother, and from fleas or rodents. The type of worms that dogs can be infected by are tapeworms, roundworms, threadworms, hookworms and heartworms, to name but a few. Most of the aforementioned worms infest your dog's intestinal tract, although they can affect other organs.

Regardless of the type of worm, the best cure is prevention. Therefore, it's important to prevent your dogs from eating feces (including its own) and drinking from stagnant ponds, lakes or streams. However, should you suspect that your dog has been infected with worms, there are many simple home remedies that you can use to treat your beloved friend.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for worms in dogs.

1. Pumpkin Seeds

Deworm - Dogs - Home Remedies

Pumpkin seeds contain cucurbitacin, an amino acid that has the ability to expel tapeworms and roundworms from your dog's intestines. Cucurbitacin paralyzes the worms, thus preventing them from clinging on to the intestinal walls during a bowel movement. This means that a large majority of the worms will be expelled in your dogs' stool.

To administer, simply grind the pumpkin seeds and mix them into your dog's food twice a day. Use 1/4 of a teaspoon of ground pumpkin seed powder for every 10 pounds that your dog weighs. Continue using this remedy until you no longer see any worms in your dog's stool.

2. Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth 

This can eliminate roundworms, whipworms, and hookworms, but it's completely ineffective against tapeworm. DE is toxic to many insects, yet harmless to animals. The DE pierces the parasites' protective coating, which ultimately causes dehydration and death. DE can be used internally or externally to control a worm infestation:

  • For dogs over 55 pounds, add 1 tablespoon of food-grade DE to their dog food and give it once a day.
  • For puppies and smaller dogs, limit the dosage to 1 teaspoon a day.
  • To control fleas (which can cause worms), just rub the DE powder into your dog's coat. Leave for 10 minutes, then wash your dog. Do this 2-3 times a week.
  • Follow this remedy for at least 4 weeks to ensure that all adult worms, eggs, hatchlings, and smaller worms have been destroyed.

Note: It's important that you use only food-grade DE, as pool-grade DE can be poisonous to dogs.

3. Cloves

Cloves have antibacterial and antiparasitic properties which makes them very useful when it comes down to destroying different types of intestinal worms. Furthermore, cloves increase white blood cell count, which will help boost your dog's immune system:

  • For small dogs, give 1/4 of a whole dry clove, crushed and mixed into their food once a day for a week.
  • For medium-sized dogs, give 1/2 of a whole dry clove, crushed and mixed into their food once a day for a week.
  • For large dogs, give 1 whole dry clove, crushed and mixed into their food once a day a week.
  • Repeat this again for a second week, after a break of 1 week as a precautionary measure.

Note: Do not give cloves to pregnant dogs as they can stimulate the uterus and lead to a miscarriage.

4. Papaya 

Deworm - Dogs - Home Remedies

The enzyme papain which is found in papayas can help rid your dog of intestinal worms. Papaya seeds have anthelmintic and anti-amoebic properties, which means that they can kill worms and other parasitic organisms in your dog's digestive tract.

  • Give your dog 2 tablespoons of powdered papaya seeds per 20 pounds of dog weight. You should do this for 7 consecutive days.
  • You can even feed your dog bite-size chunks of papaya.

5. Turmeric 

This spice has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce inflammation and damage to the intestine caused by parasitic worms. It also helps the liver get rid of any toxins left behind by the worms.

To use this remedy, simply add turmeric to your dog's food for 10-15 days. Use roughly 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric per 10 pounds of your dog's body weight. Start off low with the dosage and increase gradually.

Note: If your dog is pregnant, do not give her turmeric, as it may stimulate the uterus and lead to a miscarriage.


6. Wormwood

This is another herb that can be used to get rid of intestinal parasites in dogs. It can successfully expel roundworms, threadworms, and tapeworms when the dosage is correct.

To use simply add 1/4 teaspoon of dried wormwood to your dog's food. However, if you have a puppy or a small dog, cut the dosage by half. Don't use this treatment for more than 3 consecutive days.

Note: Consult your vet before feeding wormwood to your dog as over usage can result in damage to your dog's nervous system. Do not give to dogs with seizures, liver or kidney disease, or females who are lactating or pregnant.

7. Garlic

Deworm - Dogs - Home Remedies

Raw garlic has sulfur-containing amino acids which are antiparasitic. However, it should only be used in moderation.

The garlic you can give your dog is based purely on your dog's weight:

  • 10-15 pounds - 1/2 a clove
  • 20-40 pounds - 1 clove
  • 45-70 pounds - 2 cloves
  • 75-90 pounds - 2.5 cloves
  • 100 pounds + - 3 cloves

Simply grate the required dosage of garlic and mix it with some fennel before giving it to your dog.

Note: Garlic should be given for no more than 1 week, otherwise it can be harmful.


8. Carrots 

During your dog's deworming period, it's important to include carrots in their diet. This is because this vegetable helps expel parasites by scrubbing the weakened worms from the digestive tracts.

Simply give 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of grated carrots to your dog each day, depending upon its size.

Note: Beets and turnips can also be given to worm-infested dogs.


9. Parsley Waters

Deworm - Dogs - Home Remedies

Give your dog parsley water during their deworming treatment to help keep their system working well. Parsley helps to eliminate any toxins left behind by the worms. It also reduces any inflammation caused by the parasites.

To make:

1. Place a bunch of fresh parsley into a pan of boiling water.
2. Let it simmer for 3 minutes.
3. Remove from the heat and let it cool.
4. Strain the water and place it in the fridge.
5. Give your dog 1 tablespoon of parsley water for every 10 pounds of body weight, once a day for a period of 10 days.

10. Black Walnut  

Another herb that helps eliminate worms from an infested dog. Only the green hulls of the black walnut should be used.

  • Give your dog walnut tincture (regular strength) for no more than 2 weeks at a time. Use 1 drop per every 10 pounds of body weight.
  • Alternatively, give 1/4 of a 500 mg capsule for dogs 5-25 pounds and 1/2 a capsule for dogs 25 pounds and over. Continue for 2 weeks.

Note: Black walnut can be poisonous if you administer the incorrect dosage, so be careful.


Additional Tips 

  • Don't give your dog milk or eggs, when you are treating them for worms.
  • Frequently clean and sanitize the areas where your dog spends a lot of time, such as their bed or kennel.
  • Don't let your dog socialize with other dogs or animals when they have worms.
  • When you are walking your dog, make sure they do not eat anything off the ground.
  • Don't give raw meat or fish to your dog.
  • Always ensure that your dog has plenty of clean drinking water.
  • Make sure your dog does not drink from a source where other animals may have defecated.
  • Try your best to keep your yard clean and free of rodents and fleas.
  • Try to prevent your dog from killing rodents and other small animals.
  • Visit the vet on regular occasions, so they can check whether your dog is suffering from intestinal worms.  


Source: top10homeremedies

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