When Life Gets the Best of You, What Do You Tell Yourself?
The words you say will have an impact on how you handle difficult situations.
To Be Happy, You Need to Stop Telling Yourself These Lies
Seven lies that you may be telling yourself in the hopes that it would offer some form of comfort in the present moment.
Test Yourself: Can You Tell the Art Style?
Do you think you can tell apart the different art styles that go into different paintings of history?
What You See Here First Will Tell You About Yourself
If you are hungry to learn more about yourself, then click here!
What You See In These Images Will Tell You About Yourself
Many personality tests rely on your choices to determine your personality, but this optical illusion test will work entirely on your subconscious...
This 5 Factor Model Can Tell You A Lot About Yourself…
Do you believe that a person's character can be determined by only five indicators? According to many psychologists, this is indeed possible...
What's in These Photos? Test Yourself!
Tell us, what do you see in these photos?
How to Tell If You’re in a Dependent Relationship…
Where is the boundary between a healthy and a dependent relationship, and how can you recognize whether you're in one and how to fix it? Find out here.
Test Yourself: Are You a Survivor?
During a flight to South America, your plane crashes in the jungle of the Amazon and you are the only survivor. Will you make it out alive...?
Each of These Fascinating Photos Tells a Story...
these are some of the most interesting photos I've ever seen, each worth much more than a thousand words...
These Great Illustrations Are Very Telling of Modern Life
Here are 15 incredible works of art by the talented Marco Melgrati, which will leave you with plenty of food for thought.
How to Connect With Yourself When Feeling Distracted
3 simple techniques to help you feel less distracted.
Quiz: Give Honest Answers and Learn About Yourself...
Find out what you most dominant character trait is, depending on how you interpret these works of abstract art.
Never Forget to Love Yourself As Well...
Many things in life require your attention, but nothing is more important than the love we give ourselves. These quotes will inspire you to love yourself.
Test Yourself: Which Superfruit Do YOU Need?
Answer a few personal questions that will tell us what kind of beneficial effects would help you the most right now, and which superfood will give that to you.
How to Spot a Liar with These 8 Tell-Tale Signs
It's actually really easy to tell if someone is lying to you. Follow this simple 8 part guide and you'll know who's telling porkies.
Our Hands Tell a Story - Amazing!
This amazing video is completely made of shadow hands, making beautiful and poetic scenes to delight the eye and astound the mind. This is surely art, and surely performed by talented individuals.
Test Yourself: Health Myth or Fact?
We all hear bits of health information, and although some are wrong, we tend to believe them. Can you bust the myths?
The Stories an Astronaut Can Tell You...
Chris Hadfield is an astronaut and a terrific story teller...
Test Yourself: Are You Stressed?
Stress seems to effect everyone, great and small. But what about you? Find out how you're coping by taking this useful test.
QUIZ: How Good Are You At Telling Colors?
X marks the spot, can you tell us what color it marks?
Joke: I Was Going to Tell You a Joke, But...
I'd tell you a constipation joke, but it's full of...
How to Tell If an Expensive Watch Is Real or Fake
In this practical, money-saving video, an authenticity expert shows us how to spot a fake luxury watch
The Easiest Way to Tell If You're Overweight
The right way to tell whether you're a healthy weight doesn't involve a scale or your BMI. Learn more here!
These Photos Have a 100 Stories to Tell...
Here are some of the most bizarre, amazing and wonderful photos I saw this month.