Health Myth or Fact?

Due to the fact that we’re all exposed, almost daily, to various health facts many of us see ourselves as unqualified experts on the human body. Some of us even advise others on what to do in various health cases based on this knowledge, but is something passed on from one person to another actual truth? To answer this question, the next quiz will test your knowledge of general health issues and examine whether you can distinguish between "facts" we have all heard and truths that have been scientifically researched and established. Good luck!
different types of chocolate
Eating chocolate causes pimples
A bottle of natural spray deodorant
Spraying / applying deodorant to the armpit contributes to the development of breast cancer
Two hands holding two ice cream cones
Eating ice cream worsens a cold
Woman standing in nature
Staying in a place with cold weather conditions causes a cold
Fried egg in a pan with a heart shaped cutter on it
Eating 1-2 eggs a day does not increase the risk of heart disease
A man cracking his fingers
Jaysin Trevino
Cracking fingers doesn’t lead to arthritis
A man styling a woman's hair
Hair and nails stop growing after death
Woman swimming in pool
Swimming after eating can harm the body
A glass of water on a wood table
Everyone must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy
A table with food and drinks
Eating food before drinking reduces the severity of the hangover
An open jar with brown sugar
Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar
A boy sitting in front of a t.v
Sitting too close to the TV leads to eye damage and deterioration of vision
Woman blowing her nose
Green mucus during illness indicates infection
Man doing push ups on a boardwalk
Regularly stopping exercise will cause your muscles to turn to fat
two Styrofoam cups on a beach
The use of disposable cups, utensils, and plates can cause cancer
Lab equipment
Hit the medical journals...
You answered most of the questions incorrectly, which is probably due to the fact that you’ve heard health myths throughout your life and like many of us, you also believed them. To debunk some of these health myths, you may want to try retake this quiz to learn new things. Also if there are things which remain unclear turn to knowledgeable sources rather than believing pieces of information circulating around you.
thumbs up
You know how to distinguish between myths and facts
You knew the correct answers to most of the questions, which means you can filter most of the information people give you about health. However, there are some myths you believe, and you’d benefit more if you continue to listen to experts instead of unauthorized health professionals to live a healthy and enjoyable life.
Doctor holding a medical file
Have you considered becoming a doctor?
Well done! You've been able to identify most of the known myths about human health successfully, and you'd rather listen to experts than people who give you occasional advice. Apparently, this topic interests you and maybe you could even be an expert in the field yourself. Keep filtering out the myths that people sometimes tell so you can enjoy robust health and give your body exactly what it needs.
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