It's Bath Time - The Most Terrifying Words For a Dog
Getting this huge malamute into a bath is like bathing a bear. Either he does it voluntarily and gets into the bath on his own, or... Well, actually, there's no second option. Watching this family go to such great lengths to get him into the bath is somehow both adorable and hilarious!
12 Adorable Pets Who Never EVER Want to Have a Bath Again!
Bath Time! Two words that most pets dread - and probably their owners too. Nevertheless, every once in a while, bath time is necessary. And just when we thought our pets were cute enough before bath time, they tend to look all the more cuter (and hilarious too) afterwards.
When Pets and Bath Time Meet, Cuteness Is Sure to Ensue
Pets occasionally need to have a bath. Despite their initial protests, animals love a good soak. These pets having baths, as lovingly captured by their owners, are beyond adorable... Pretty in pink. Source You missed a spot. Source Who said pigs were dirty pets?
Reginald and His Bath - Adorable!
Unlike other cats, Persian cats need their bath, and in this funny and adorable video, we are introduced to Reginald , and the hardship he must go through to make his fur nice and shiny! Reginald and His Bath - Adorable!
We Want These Amazing Baths!
Soaking in hot water is one of the most pleasant feelings a person can experience, and with a bit of music and some scented soap, a good bath is a real treat. However, over the years there have been some improvements made to your regular conception of a bath.
Dogs vs. Their Greatest Enemy: The Bath...
Dogs and baths are not a great mix. In nature, wolves just don't really spend much time bathing, they have other ways to get clean.
Monkey See, Monkey Take a Bath!
Taking a nice, hot bath! Monkey See, Monkey Take a Bath! animals, cute, funny, video, adorable, monkey, ape Chloe the chimp really enjoys doing human stuff...
Not Every Dog Hates a Bath - Adorable!
These 2 mini-daschouunds (or sausage dogs) can't wait to get in the tub and start their bath! What an adorable pair of pets! Too bad the bath is just a bit too high for them, so it takes a few tries... Not Every Dog Hates a Bath - Adorable!
Forget Showers. Hot Baths Are Too Healthy to Avoid
This decreases the pain felt after surgery, and can significantly decrease recovery time. 18. Quickening the Natural Birthing Process It is well known that immersing women in a warm bath during the first stages of labor can minimize both pain and stress.
Adorable: Before and After Photos of Pets Getting a Bath!
Well, if there's one pet sight that always amuses me, it's the look on the face of a freshly-bathed cat .
Dogs Just Don't Like Baths - Hilarious!
A hilarious compilation of dogs trying with all their might to avoid the dreaded bath.
Enter into the Healing Arena of Immersive Sound Baths
Welcome to the revitalizing space of sound healing or sound baths. Sounds and vibrations have been used by humanity to inspire calm and tranquility since before we could communicate verbally as a species. A mother trying to soothe her baby will intuitively start humming, right?
Adorable: This Big Doggie Simply Hates Taking a Bath
Not every pet enjoys taking a bath. Certainly not this giant dog. Whenever it's bath time, Phil, the dog, begins to sulk and tries to hide. And when he runs out of hiding places, he tries a kid’s dollhouse!
Depression Can Be Eased By Taking a Hot Bath, Study Finds
Taking a hot bath every day could actually treat depression better than exercise can, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Freiburg. Although spending time in the tub won’t necessarily make depression go away entirely, it could ease some of the symptoms.
How Much Do Cats Hate Baths? This Much.
We know that cats hate water, and some of these cats are scared, but sometimes even a cat has to have a bath or it will stink up the whole house.
Cleanse Your Body With This Relaxing DIY Detox Bath
Every day we're exposed to all kinds of toxins and chemicals, which can build up in our bodies over time. Having too much of these harmful substances inside us can cause a whole range of negative symptoms, including brain fog and general sluggishness.
Add Apple Cider Vinegar to a Bath and Reap These Benefits
Taking a bath in apple cider vinegar may not seem like the best way to bathe. But it may just be the thing you need for a full body detox and amazing skin.
Taking a Daily Bath Can Benefit Your Cardiovascular Health
We all know that baths are relaxing and can do wonders for reducing stress, but the positive health effects of baths only begin there.
Learn to Make Your Own Wonderful Bath Bombs
This video tutorial will show you just how to make the perfect bath bomb. You can pick any color you want as well as any fragrance you love and combine them together to make the most wonderful bath bomb, designed just how you like it.
Cleanse Your Body With 1 of 10 Great Detox Bath Recipes
While you might have heard of some of these detox bath recipes in the past, there are some in this list that I'm sure you haven't heard of before: 1. Essential Oils This detox bath is as simple as adding a few drops of essential oils to your bath water.
Bathe in the Beauty Of Hawaii’s Gorgeous Endemic Flowers!
Hawaii is the only state in the US located outside of the boundaries of North America and the only state that is an island state, encompassing nearly the entire Hawaiian archipelago, and consisting..
This DIY Solution Will Leave Your Bath Looking Brand New!
Raise your hand if you enjoy cleaning your bathroom! No takers? Okay, let's get a bit more specific: What about cleaning your bathtub? Yeah... Didn't think so either! Getting down on your hands and..
Funny: Which Method Do You Use To Empty a Bath?
A visitor was touring a mental asylum with its director, when at one point curiosity got the better of him. “Director, how do you decide whether a patient should be institutionalized?” he asked. “W..
Time for a smile!
Photos: Picdump Time for a smile! animals, cute, photos, children, adorable Nothing like those little moments to make us smile and laugh...