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20 Outrageously Hilarious Street Signs You Canโ€™t Ignore

You can never have enough of funny signs, right? Of course, you can’t. The ones we have collected for you today are just outrageously funny and weird; some, in fact, don’t even make sense. While they may be odd, these street signs are made to make you laugh and forget about everything else for a few minutes. A few of these are so ridiculously good that we bet you wouldn’t mind slowing down for them if you come across them on the streets. Let’s take a look, shall we?

 Related: Humorous Messages That Will Lift Your Spirits

1. So I guess it's okay to feed children to crocodiles in some places, then? 

Funny Street Signs, croc

2. But... how? 

Funny Street Signs,danger

3. At least they are being honest 

Funny Street Signs,

4. True words

Funny Street Signs,halls

5. That's kind of a personal question, though 

Funny Street Signs,

6. So... beware of this dog then? 

Funny Street Signs,dog

7. Oh, dear!

Funny Street Signs,

8. Hope somebody finds it soon 

Funny Street Signs, missing

9. Indeed!

Funny Street Signs, smartphone

10. It is, isn't it? 

Funny Street Signs, expensive

11. A lot of people do

Funny Street Signs,

12. Smart tip 

Funny Street Signs, fire

13. Got you! 

Funny Street Signs, language

14. Well, thank you for letting us know

Funny Street Signs,

15. It does that to a lot of people

Funny Street Signs,whiskey

16. But, my question is.. Why are red squirrels driving anyway? 

Funny Street Signs, squirrel

17. Please be careful then 

Funny Street Signs, drunken

18. Um... Now that you ask...

Funny Street Signs,

19. Stop mocking! 

Funny Street Signs, driving

20. That's not suspicious at all...

Funny Street Signs,
All images source: Acid Cow
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