A lot of jobs are boring, but we respect those that respect their job. No matter what you do, you should care about what you're doing and putting out into the world. Then there are those who don't take even the most simple jobs seriously, and we end up with things like in these hilarious photos. Come on people, you had one job to do! |
Submitted by: Karen Hed.
I Dare You Not to Laugh at These Silly Signs
Who on earth put these pointless signs all over our streets?!
Some Designers Really Need to Double Check Their Work
The hits keep coming with these 20 priceless designs that will leave you stunned by the crazy things people can create.
Who Is Responsible for These Nonsensical Road Signs?
Signs are meant to be visual aids, reminders that also serve as a guide. If you ever drove by these incredible road signs, would you know what to do? I wouldn't have a clue.
Come On People, You Had ONE Job To Do!
Every job is good as long as you take it seriously. But I often notice that some people just don't care about the work they do, and it shows...
20 Hilarious Supermarket Mistakes You've Got to Witness!
I used to think shopping was boring, until I started noticing these hilarious mistakes all over the place. Here are 20 of the funniest fails I've seen.
Hilarious: The Home Improvement Horror Show
We all need to do a quick repair when we're on a budget sometimes, but these are just ridiculous! Here are 25 of the sloppiest repairs you'll ever see.
These Pics Were Taken Just One Second Before "Disaster"
These hilarious photos were taken a split second before “disaster” struck.
LOL: 14 Dad Jokes & Puns to Make You Cringe
These terrible dad jokes are guaranteed to make you secretly chuckle.
Construction Fails Around the House Are Just Hilarious
It seems like no-one is hiring builders and handymen these days, and this is evidenced by photos such as these! Here are 15 of the latest construction fails.
Some Things Could Only Have Been Invented in Japan
You can always rely on the Japanese to come up with some quirky inventions...
Only Grammar Nerds Will Appreciate These Jokes
These grammar jokes are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.
17 Relatable and Funny Comics for All the Coffee Addicts
Coffee lovers, unite! Take a sip of these relatable and funny comics.
Hilarious Gag: Girl Teaches Rude Motorist a Lesson!
This little girl has a nasty surprise for this rude motorist in this funny prank.
This Has Got to be the World's Funniest Orchestra!
This orchestra not only provides you with great music, but great laughs as well.
The 1900s Had Some BIZARRE Predictions About Today...
These wild predictions about the future were way off.
Laughter is the Best Medicine: Master the Art of Humor
Humor has the power to change your life.
Funny: The Heart & the Brain Can NEVER Be On the Same Page
These comics, by artist Nick Seluk, also known as The Awkward Yeti, show the eternal struggle between the heart and the brain.
12 Naughty Dogs Caught Being Cheeky While You Were Out
So this is what your dog is doing when he has the house to himself!
75 Hilarious Family Jokes Perfect For Kids & Adults!
While some of us might enjoy humor that's a little dark or dirty, these children's jokes are perfect for kids and adults alike!
Hilarious! When Pets Are Left Alone with Kids
This hilarious collection of kids with their pets show what they get up to.
Hilarious! 16 Photos of Cops Having a Good Time...
These 16 photos prove that police officers can have a cracking sense of humor!
15 Times People Failed at Math So Bad Everyone Groaned!
Math isn’t for everyone, and these people have proved it.
When Christmas Decorations Failed Miserably - Funny Pics
These people ruined Christmas with their hilariously bad decorations.
These Vintage Cartoons Will Make You Scream With Laughter!
If you're looking for a good laugh, then these snarky vintage illustrations by artist Anne Taitor have certainly got your covered!
These Comics Prove a Single Panel Can Deliver Big Laughs
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-panel comics by Adam Douglas Thompson.
Hilarious: The Truth About Vincent Van Gogh's Family...
Like most people, I'm very familiar with Vincent van Gogh's incredibly artistry, but I never realized how large his extended family was until I saw this post.
With These Witty Lines Anyome Can be Star of the Party
some funny sayings with a something for everyone.
These Funny Restaurant Signs Just Made Me Laugh Out Loud
Enjoy this collection of hilarious restaurant signs.
14 Crazy Things That Could Only Happen in One Country...
14 photos of things that you could only find in Russia. These will bring a smile to your face.
Hilarious! Quick, Your Majesty, Avoid Mr. Bean!
It's hard to imagine why the Queen would ever want to meet Mr. Bean. I mean, I know he's funny, but...she's the Queen! This will not end well!
12 Sarcastic Gems from Famous Philosophers
These philosophers had a surprising sense of humor.
Time Does Funny Things to Us, When You Think About It
How we determine success changes as get older, but it doesn't change all that much, in fact there's a certain pattern to it.
These Funny Photos Prove Japan is a Different Place...
The Japanese people are probably the funniest in the world ... well certainly the most eccentric. Here 15 photos will prove it to you.
Funny Time: Get Your Giggles Going and Laugh Out Loud
16 Pictures that will make you giggle and guffaw like a hyena!
Beware! These Funny Comics May Cause Halloween Giggles
Enjoy these hilariously silly one-panel comics by Doug Hill to add some humor to your Halloween this year.
The Most Ridiculous Building Fails I've Ever Seen!
There was very little thought process behind these mistakes...
Hilarious: Are These Weirdest Signs Ever Made?
Enjoy this hilarious compilation of weird signs that will have you in stitches!
Hilarious Signs: This Ice Cream Shop Cracked Me Up!
This collection of 12 hilarious signs will give you a taste of an excellent sense of humor!
Comedy: Keep The Three Stooges Away From Court, Please!
Enjoy this classic The Three Stooges skit, “Disorder in the Court” (1936).
These Dad Comics Will Make You Smile and Laugh
Let’s celebrate Father’s Day with these absolutely hilarious cartoons.
Timeless Humor: Groucho Marx's Funniest Quotes
Check out these 10 hilarious quotes by Groucho Marx that are bound to make you laugh out loud!
When Animals Misbehave, Hilarity Inevitably Ensues...
It's apparent that animals have just as great a sense of humor as humans do, and this is evidenced by these GIF images of animals behaving badly.
Roadside Shockers: Billboards You MUST See
These are billboards seen across the world which have strange messages and bizarre concepts that are sure to make you laugh
We Guarantee That These Dumb Jokes Will Make You Giggle
Here is a collection of jokes that are so dumb they're actually quite funny.
Hilarious: This Just May Be Why Building Codes Exist...
20 examples of the worst construction flaws, that will hopefully remind you to hire a professional next time.
Had a Bad Day? It Can Always Be Worse!
Forget about the bad day you think you're having - these poor folks got themselves into some serious fixes. Take a look at these hilarious photos.
DIY Solutions That’ll Leave You Both Laughing and Nodding
Why overthink it? These lazy ideas just get the job done.