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Why Women Live longer Than Men

Women usually outlive men for a variety of reasons be it social, biological, or lifestyle factors. However, there might be one much more obvious factor that often gets overlooked: stupidity. The hilarious photos below are a collection of mucho bravado, questionable intelligence, and total disregard for personal safety.
1. Nothing ironic about this...
Stupid Men
2. Here's someone who isn't afraid of heights.
Stupid Men

3. This man can take a nap anywhere...
Stupid Men
4. 10/10 for improvisation!
Stupid Men
6. Nothing could go wrong here...
Stupid Men
7. There's an awful lot of skill involved in this!
Stupid Men
8. Nothing to see here, they're wearing helmets!
Stupid Men
9. Excuse me, do you need any more ladders, sir?
Stupid Men
10. This man is much stronger than he looks! 
Stupid Men
11. This man likes to live life on the edge!
Stupid Men
12. You shouldn't complain about your job ever again!
Stupid Men
12. There's nothing like being buried alive. 
Stupid Men
13. This man belongs in the circus!
Stupid Men
14. This man could also join the man above in the circus...
Stupid Men


Source: boredpanda 

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