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The Cutest Photos of 16 Snakes with Hats!

While some people have beloved pet snakes, most others don’t really associate snakes with cuteness. But as it turns out, no matter how dangerous or venomous a snake might look, put a tiny hat on its head, and the whole picture changes! It isn’t clear exactly how images of snakes with hats first became widespread, but there is an abundance of them over various media platforms, and they are absolutely adorable. Even if you aren’t the biggest snake fan, these whimsical images of snakes in everything from beanies to cowboy hats are bound to make you smile.

1. This giraffe looks a bit funny
16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats giraffe

Image Source: Reddit

2. An eccentric gentleman
16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats, hat with skull

Image Source: Bored Panda

3. Happy birthday!
16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats birthday hat

4. Practicing for his lead role in a historical film
16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats hisotircal

Image Source: Reddit

5. A leaf crown counts as a hat16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats leaf crown

Image Source: Reddit

6. Howdy partner16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats cowboy hat

7. Regal looking16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats leaf crown

Image Source: Reddit

8. It doesn't matter what season it is, his holiday spirit is on16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats christmas

Image Source: Facebook

9. Masquerading as a llama16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats llama

Image Source: Facebook

10. A happy unicorn16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats unicorn

11. A handsome young man wearing his homemade hat16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats knitted hat

Image Source: Reddit

12. A wizard16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats, wizard

Image Source: Facebook

13. If there is no hat around, one can be improvised16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats paper hat

Image Source: Reddit

14. Happy Easter16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats bunny ears

Image Source: Reddit

15. Compliments to the chef16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats chef

Image Source: Reddit

16. Aurelius looks nice and cozy16 Funny Photos of Snakes in Hats beanie

Image Source: Reddit
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