A moment before wedding season begins, here are some couples who may have regretted inviting a photographer to shoot their wedding bloopers! A groom who loses his patience ...
Bride too pleased with herself...
Bride loses her teeth...
Bridesmaid gets waylaid...
The flowers who defy gravity...
The dog who just doesn't care..
The flying bride ....
Don't kill the messenger ...
The bride that lost her dress...
Two birds on a tree...
the wedding that explodes in her face...
Best man loses something...
The non-synchronized partners...
The couple washed to sea...
The bride gets punished...
And the bride that falls with excitement...
Baby Laughs: The Best Medicine Ever!
These adorable, laughing babies will keep you smiling all week!
15 Funny Real-Life Examples of Outrageous Bride Requests
Some brides are so out-of-touch from reality that they end up making hilariously crazy demands for their wedding.
Prank Compilation: The Funniest Pranks & Scares of 2024!
sit back and enjoy the ultimate compilation of laugh-out-loud pranks and jaw-dropping reactions from the past year!
Prank: Husband Caught Cheating in the Office!
Join us now as we get another prank, and this time it's about fidelity...
The Funniest Soccer Blunders Ever Caught
From minor mishaps to full-on fiascos, this compilation of soccer bloopers takes you on a journey of escalating hilarity.
Is That a Cat or a Fish? 15 Wacky Details in Medieval Art
Medieval artists sure used some weird logic while making their animal artworks.
Hilarious Sketch! This Bartender Is Far Too Understanding
Prepare to laugh your head off as a drunk man relates all of his marital problems to a ridiculously understanding bartender...
These Funny Cartoons Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile
Enjoy this humorous collection of single-panel comics by Harry Bliss.
Hilarious: These Cheesy Puns Will Make You Giggle!
These cheesy puns will have your family and friends cringing first, and tittering with laughter second. Enjoy there 20 cheesy puns that are made to share.
Comedy Classics: Laughter & Chaos in the Dentist’s Office
This is perhaps the most hilarious sketch from the The Carol Burnett Show.
Comedy Gold: Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis at Their Funniest
If you love old-school comedy, this Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis skit is a must-watch.
The Funniest Problem With Your Christmas Tree...
Some people have found hilarious ways to protect their Christmas trees from their mischievous pets.
These Weird Road Signs Will Make You Laugh!
These outrageously funny street signs are certainly worth slowing down for!
These Must Be Some of the Funniest Construction Mistakes
These hilarious construction fails and errors will leave you laughing and wondering what these builders were thinking.
For a Giant Smile, Check Out These Hilarious Cartoons!
If you love cartoon stripes then you came to the right place. Enjoy this collection of funny cartoons that are sure to make your day funnier and your step lighter.
The Funniest Signs Seen at Live Sporting Events
Here's a collection of the most hilarious signs that scored big laughs at sporting events.
Hilarious: The 6 Important Lessons of Life!
These life lessons are actually short hilarious jokes!
These Hilarious Tweets Show What Marriage Is REALLY Like...
These Tweets from newly-married men take away all the glamour and mystery from marriage, however their spin on things is nothing short of hilarious.
12 Times Newspapers Gave Us Unintentional Laughs!
Newspaper stories can sometimes provide unintentional laughs!
Enjoy a Hilarious Dose of Animal Pranks!
Enjoy a hilarious compilation of the best animal pranks by Just for Laughs
These Terribly Designed Homes are Sure to Make You Giggle!
If these hilarious design fails taught me anything it’s to always measure and consult professionals before renovating my home on my own!
When 2 Comedy Geniuses Combine, the Results are Hilarious
When Rowan Atkinson and John Cleese get together on the stage, you just know that there's going to be a lot of laughter.
17 Silly Signs that May Bring a Smile to Your Face
These public signs will make you laugh your socks off!
Even At a Wedding, Sometimes Things Just Go All Wrong!
Hilarious: Anything Can Go Wrong at a Wedding...
These Hilarious Fall Puns and Jokes Are Un-be-leaf-able!
We want to tell you some autumn jokes, but you probably wouldn't fall for it.
The Funny, Odd and Wacky Things Kids Say - 20 Quotes
Kids can say the funniest, oddest, or the most unintentionally profound things sometimes. Here are 20 hilarious and wholesome examples from real life.
Add Some Humor to Your Day With These One-Frame Funnies!
Enjoy these funny and cute single panel comics by artist Maria Scrivan.
20 Hilarious Road Signs You'll Only Ever See in Australia
The land down under has a language of its own as you can see by these signs that are equal parts strange and hysterical
Funny: People Find Some Creative Fixes for Their Problems
Some people find the most creative ways to fix their everyday issues...
These Husband-and-Wife Pranks Are Too Funny Not to Share...
Here are 20 of the funniest things that husbands and boyfriends have done to surprise their significant others.
Hilarious: The Real Dogs Behind the "Beware Dog" Signs
Here are 12 hilarious “Beware of the Dog” signs and the cuties behind those signs.
These Truly Outrageous Sights Can Only be Found in Russia!
If you're a huge fan of all things weird and wonderful, then there's no better place for you to visit than Russia. Here's why...
Excuse Me, But Are These Signs for REAL?!?
Who comes up with these hilarious ideas and useless ideas for signs?
Hilarious Book Covers That Sum Up Modern Life (16 Pics)
These funny book covers reflect our chaotic lives!
Funny Photos: 'Miserable Men' Waiting for Their Wives
These photos of miserable men waiting for their wives and girlfriends to finish shopping are hilarious.
Hilarious: The Funniest Restaurant Names!
These restaurants will grab you attention for all the wrong reasons! We can't stop laughing!
Hilariously Funny DIY Fixes (16 Pics)
These hilarious pictures show some of the most unique DIY botch-jobs.
Hilarious: These Silly Signs Will Lift Your Spirits!
Check out this collection of ridiculously funny signs that will make you chuckle and brighten your day.
This Naughty Policeman Prank Is Utterly Hysterical!
This hilarious prank involves a naughty policeman, his enraged wife and a few innocent bystanders. What's for certain is that it's downright hysterical!
Hilarious: What if Babies Could Express Their Thoughts?
This collection of the funniest photos of cute babies is here to make you laugh! See for yourself and if you find yourself smiling then share it with your friends.
We Can’t Believe People Actually Wrote These Snarky Notes!
These snarky notes will have you in stitches.
Beat the Heat With Some Great Humor!
These 18 funny and empowering pictures will show you how people were trying to fight off this year's massive heatwave all across the globe.
Prank Compilation: The Funniest Pranks & Scares of 2024!
sit back and enjoy the ultimate compilation of laugh-out-loud pranks and jaw-dropping reactions from the past year!
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