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When News Goes Bizarre: Amusing Stories from the Press

Have you ever stumbled upon a news story that was so absurd that it had you laughing uncontrollably? Newspapers are full of unintentional humor like this. Beyond the serious headlines and critical issues, there are those stories that capture bizarre, funny, and downright hilarious moments. These gems are often hidden in plain sight, just waiting to brighten your day with their unexpected twists and comical occurrences. Today, we've put together a collection of 12 of the funniest news stories that are guaranteed to leave you in stitches. Scroll on for the laughs!

Related: Newspaper Headlines Can Sometimes Be Ridiculously Funny

1. I want to listen to its Darth Vader voice!

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

2. Aren't we all?

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

3. I can sympathize with her

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

4. Not the smartest thing to do

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

5. Where can we see this fight?

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

6. They did too good a job making that vehicle

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

7. Even Arnold's cut-outs scare people 

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

8. So the police lost the game then?

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

9. Woof! Woof!

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

10. Lose your sense of humor if you want to be a burglar 

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

11. Well, that sucks. Would have been fun to see

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers

12. Can't blame him, though, can we?

Ridiculous News Stories from Papers
All images: Pleated Jeans
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