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FUNNY Paintings: Hilariously Inaccurate Medieval Animals

The Middle Ages often conjure images of gallant knights, grand castles, and serious quests. However, lurking beneath this noble veneer is a playful side that often leaves modern viewers both amused and confused. Artists in the Middle Ages took creative liberties, especially when it came to creatures they’d never actually seen. Their interpretations of animals and mythical creatures often blur the lines between the real and the absurd. The results are colorful, quirky, and sometimes downright bizarre.

If you've ever wondered why some medieval animals look so strange, you’re in for a treat. We've gathered 15 of the most amusing and puzzling medieval paintings that will surely make you smile!

Related: The Fascinating Lives of Medieval Jesters

1. "Freaked out lion is getting his nails done."

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

2. A dog riding a bunny spear-fighting a bunny who is riding a snail with the head of Rick Rubin

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

3. Pigs vs. Elephants, France, 1420-1425

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: X

4. Medieval paintings of cats are weird

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

5. Rear end looks like a dog

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: X

6. He looks like Goofy

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

7. Hare riding a hound with a trained snail of prey, before 1390

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

8. Someone tried to paint a catfish

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

9. They had a weird idea about what dogs look like

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

10. Constipated lion

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: X

11. I suppose that's how cats lived during medieval times

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

12. A snail by Jacob Van Maerlant

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

13. Are we sure that's a cat?

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: X

14. This beaver has a fish tail

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit

15. An elephant with a tornado trunk by Jacob Van Maerlant

Weird Medieval Artworks
Image source: Reddit
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