It's almost impossible to explain how something feels to another person. Things just feel a certain way. One thing we can do to try and convey how something feels to us is make use of metaphors or visuals to pass our message along. And we're as happy as a pig in mud we could bring these feelings to life with this next series of animations.
Watch these hilarious animations to really connect a visual to how something feels like...
When you lay on clothes fresh out of the dryer |
When your friends come to you for advice |
When you accidentally make eye contact multiple times |
When you open your car door on a really hot day |
What you want to say to your crush |
When someone lurks over your shoulder |
When you guess the Wheel of Fortune puzzle before the contestants |
When you try and log off the Internet |
When a movie trailer spoils the movie |
When you wake up on your birthday |
When you realize how long you've been online |
When you’re picking out donuts at the bakery |
When your teacher says a swear word |
When you see your friends at the same party |
Did we get the feeling down right?? |
Funny Photos: 'Miserable Men' Waiting for Their Wives
These photos of miserable men waiting for their wives and girlfriends to finish shopping are hilarious.
Here are the Most Confusing Pictures Seen Online This Year
Some photos just leave you scratching your head until you figure out what's going on. Here are 15 of the most confusing photos seen on the internet in 2018.
Some Designers Really Need to Double Check Their Work
The hits keep coming with these 20 priceless designs that will leave you stunned by the crazy things people can create.
These 16 Hilarious Cat Photos Made My Day!
Cats are the funniest pets in the world and these 16 photos prove it.
16 Times Cats Were Totally Nonplussed!
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Hilarious These Silly Signs Made Me Laugh!
19 funny signs that were written on purpose to be hilarious and witty.
These Quirky Winter Quotes Will Help Warm Your Frosty Days
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These are the most outrageous car repair jobs you’ll ever see.
11 Hilariously Bad Reviews of Famous Sights Illustrated
These hilarious travel posters illustrate the worst and funniest reviews of famous travel destinations.
Hand These Guys a Towel and Get Ready to Laugh!
This hilarious performance involves two young Frenchmen who have just a towel apiece to preserve their modesty. Watch this side-splitting performance.
I Dare You Not to Laugh at These Silly Signs
Who on earth put these pointless signs all over our streets?!
16 Intensely Funny Signs Spotted In the Wild
These 16 unintentionally funny signs are guaranteed to make you hoot with laughter!
Are These the Funniest Animal Photos Ever Captured?
If you love animals, then get ready to laugh your head off, since the annual Comedy Wildlife Awards are with us once again!
Proof That Winter Is Both Beautiful and Funny (13 Pics)
Take a look at these moments where winter turned everyday situations into pure comedy gold.
Classic Laurel & Hardy: Dance Like No One's Watching!
Get ready to laugh with Laurel & Hardy’s dance moves.
Prepare to Giggle: 22 Hilarious Animal Comics!
Sit back and enjoy this amusing collection of animal comics by Jimmy Craig.
Hilarious Beach Photos That Make You Roar With Laughter!
The photos in this collection prove that one can stumble upon some really funny characters and things on the beach
America's Funniest Church Signs to Brighten Your Day
Churches seem to have found that addressing dwindling congregations can be achieved with a great sense of humor. Here are 14 hysterically funny US church signs.
Bless My Neighbors... They're Completely Nuts!
Check out these 15 pictures of hilarious things that people have caught their neighbors doing! We challenge you not to laugh your head off!
18 Cat Cartoons That Will Brighten Your Day!
Enjoy a new collection of cat comics by cartoonist Mark Parisi.
Is Your Body Not What It Used To Be? Join Us in Song!
This hilarious song has come to tell you not to be ashamed of your body.
When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Funny Solutions!
Take a look at these 17 hilarious fixes and DIY projects and marvel at the creativity of the people who came up with them.
Hilarious! When Mrs. Brown Gossips...(Very Rude!)
When Mrs. Brown was performed live on TV, some of the actors couldn't stop giggling.
18 Hilariously Weird Signs We Just Had to Share
Warning signs aren’t supposed to be funny, right?
These 15 Signs Are So Confusing, They're Hilarious
So let’s forget about all the worries for a little while, and explore the hilarious world of funny signs.
These Are the Most Absurd DIY Projects We’ve Come Across
It’s nice to do DIY projects, but this is just ridiculous.
The Vengeful Car - Hilarious Prank!
A girl asks random men to help push her car, obviously they all jump at the occasion to look all manly and full of good intentions. Unfortunately, it turns out the woman's car can not only drive itself, but is hungry to get his revenge on his owner!
These Dogs Just Don't Understand the Concept of Size!
Maybe a cat took their bed, maybe they just miss being small, but one thing is for sure - these dogs need a bigger bed!
Hilarious! This Cop Has Got His Eye on Other People's Food!
In this episode of Just For Laughs Gags, a cop stops strangers for food.
Hilarious: These Christmas Cartoons Made Me Laugh Out Lo
This is the best time of the year to laugh all together as a family with these Christmas funnies.
Only in the USA! 14 Pics That Are Uniquely American
These are things you'll only get to see in America.
Can't Help But Laugh: Awful Puns Ahead
All you need to smile today is this collection of hilarious animal jokes and puns.
Relatable Humor: Summer Woes in 18 Hilarious Comics
These comics perfectly capture summer's sweatiest, most annoying moments.
Crazy Enough to Work: Hilarious Quick Fixes
Here is a collection of masterpieces that may just inspire you to try some engineering for yourself:
20 Clever Words for Clever People To Laugh Over...
Have you heard of these words? No?? How come?
WARNING: These Signs Will Make You Howl with Laughter
Here, we present to you the best and funniest signs we've seen so far this year, enjoy!
This 'Man Song' is a Complete Hoot!
Watch the legendary Milton singing 'The Man Song' by Sean Morey in this hilarious video.
Spooktacular Halloween Jokes for a Good Laugh
Get ready to cackle at these Halloween puns and jokes!
15 Unfortunate Home Renovations That Went SO Disastrously
All it takes is a few seemingly small planning errors to end up with some truly bewildering and bizarre construction calamities
These Hilarious Kids Were Left Unsupervised...
When toddlers or young children are left on their own, the likelihood is a disaster will ensue. Here are 20 timely reminders why they shouldn't be left alone!
It’s Impossible NOT to Laugh at These 15 Hilarious Signs
It’s impossible NOT to laugh at these sidesplitting signs!
Classic Comedy: When Laurel & Hardy Joined the Army
Laurel & Hardy never fail to make us laugh! Enjoy this classic clip of the time when the iconic duo joined the army...
Every Man Should Learn from These Ridiculous DIY Fails
Why is it that men don't live as long as women? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that men aren't very careful when it comes to health and safety...