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Wackiest Foods That You Can Actually Buy

Exploring the world of food and drinks can lead to some truly bizarre and unforgettable experiences. While many flavors are universally beloved, some concoctions push the boundaries of culinary creativity. Imagine biting into a squid-ink burger at McDonald's while sipping on milk-flavored soda! No? Then how about trying a black rice latte? These peculiar flavors can be both intriguing and repulsive. Prepare to be amazed, disgusted, or simply perplexed as we check out some of the strangest food and drink concoctions ever created.

Related: Believe It or Not, These Strangely Flavored Sodas Are Real

1. Sake-flavored Kit Kats in Japan

Outrageous Food Flavors

2. Beer-flavored soda in Japan

Outrageous Food Flavors

3. Fizzy Fanta–flavored Oreos in Hong Kong

Outrageous Food Flavors

4. Black rice lattes at a Starbucks in South Korea

Outrageous Food Flavors

5. McBaguettes at McDonald's in France

Outrageous Food Flavors

6. These 'Chill Out' drinks in Japan are apparently the opposite of energy drinks

Outrageous Food Flavors

7. Pringles-flavored noodles in Asia

Outrageous Food Flavors

8. Krispy Kreme vodka in Japan

Outrageous Food Flavors

9. Scrambled egg–flavored Pringles in Taiwan

Outrageous Food Flavors

10. Bread-flavored soda in South Korea

Outrageous Food Flavors

11. Chocolate-flavored orange Fantas in Japan

Outrageous Food Flavors

12. Black Ice-flavored Gatorades in Mexico and South America

Outrageous Food Flavors

13. Milk soda in Hong Kong

Outrageous Food Flavors

14. Squid ink burgers at McDonald’s in Japan

Outrageous Food Flavors
All images: Acid Cow
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