It’s time for another wacky collection of funny signs. While many signs end up being unintentionally hilarious, this collection features signs that have been deliberately tampered with. While we, by no means, encourage vandalism in any form, when the result is this hilarious, you simply can’t ignore it. You'll know what we mean when you take a look at these laugh-out-loud-worthy signs below.
Related: 15 Hilarious Examples of Vandalism You Just Can’t Ignore
When Vandalism Made Us Snort Out Loud – 15 Pics
Vandalism isn't always bad. Some acts of mild vandalism, in fact, can really make you laugh...
Funny: The Heart & the Brain Can NEVER Be On the Same Page
These comics, by artist Nick Seluk, also known as The Awkward Yeti, show the eternal struggle between the heart and the brain.
Enjoy a Laugh with 30 Mouth-Watering Food Puns
Hungry for some laughs? Then you will love these hilarious food puns.
14 Grocery Store Signs to Make Your Shopping Funnier!
Chuckle with this super collection of some of the wittiest and funniest signs found inside supermarkets.
These Weird Road Signs Will Make You Laugh!
These outrageously funny street signs are certainly worth slowing down for!
Lost in Translation: Laugh-Out-Loud Fails
These translation fails from different languages will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.
These Maps are the Funniest Way to Understand Europe
These maps show the funny side of Europe!
Hilarious: This is Why They Call Them "The Golden Years"!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. Here are 37 funny pictures of seniors who decided to enjoy life to the fullest and not let concepts like “polite” and “decent” stop them!
Norwegian is a Hilarious Language, Who Knew?!
What's a lard ring or an eye stabber? Well, isn't it obvious - it's Norwegian for a doughnut and dragonfly respectively. Who knew this language was so much fun?!
When Signs Go Wrong and End Up Being Too Funny
These unintentionally funny signs prove not all messages go as planned.
Some Things Could Only Have Been Invented in Japan
You can always rely on the Japanese to come up with some quirky inventions...
These Witty Quotes Will Have You Laughing Through Summer
Let’s welcome the summer season with these amusing quotes.
The Funniest Signs Seen at Live Sporting Events
Here's a collection of the most hilarious signs that scored big laughs at sporting events.
Spooktacular Halloween Jokes for a Good Laugh
Get ready to cackle at these Halloween puns and jokes!
What a Gag: This Boy Knows How to Charm the Ladies!
This little Casanova reaches women's hearts with wine and milk, and is one of the cutest and funniest videos I've ever seen.
15 Hilarious Photos Taken a Second Before Disaster
A series of photos happening just before disaster strikes.
Simon's Cat Requires a Hilarious Visit to the Vet!
This Simon's Cat special is 12-minutes long and in full color! Watch this hilarious episode here.
Hilarious: These Dogs Never Saw it Coming...
When these dogs get pranked, they can't believe it!
These One-Panel Comics are Devilishly Clever
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-panel comics by cartoonist Ian Boothby.
Hilarious: How Weirs is the English Language?
English is a really funny language, especially when considering how meanings can be changed when punctuation's omitted. Take a look at these 9 hysterical memes.
15 Times People Failed at Math So Bad Everyone Groaned!
Math isn’t for everyone, and these people have proved it.
Jerry Lewis at His Funniest: Best Comedy Scenes
Enjoy some of the best comedy scenes of Jerry Lewis.
Hilarious: This Just May Be Why Building Codes Exist...
20 examples of the worst construction flaws, that will hopefully remind you to hire a professional next time.
Classic Comedy: Mr. Bean and the Judo Lesson!
Mr. Bean tries his hand at martial arts, with hilarious results.
20 Hilarious Comics Filled With Wit, Fun, and Humor!
These hilarious comic strips by legendary cartoonist Mark Parisi are guaranteed to make you chuckle.
Taxi! These Bewildered Passengers Sure Had an Odd Ride
Buckle your seat belt for the funniest taxi gags you'll ever see.
14 Fun Animal Photos Snapped at the Perfect Time
These are some of the funniest and most well-timed animal photos we’ve ever seen!
Need a Laugh? Watch these Animals!
This collection of pictures features some adorable animals caught making unintentionally hilarious faces.
These House Design Decisions Are Criminally Bad!
It’s hard to believe these weird houses actually exist!
12 Naughty Dogs Caught Being Cheeky While You Were Out
So this is what your dog is doing when he has the house to himself!
Lost in Translation: Laugh-Out-Loud Fails
These translation fails from different languages will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.
Hilarious: When Granny Gets Creative
Meet Kimiko Nishimoto, a little old lady from Japan who is making the world laugh with her insanely hilarious photos!
It’s Impossible NOT to Laugh at These 15 Hilarious Signs
It’s impossible NOT to laugh at these sidesplitting signs!
These Dogs Just Don't Understand the Concept of Size!
Maybe a cat took their bed, maybe they just miss being small, but one thing is for sure - these dogs need a bigger bed!
14 Hilarious Baby Photo Shoots that Didn't Go as Planned
While many of us think that it would be a great idea to have a photoshoot with our young children, unfortunately they never seem to go as planned...
17 Chucklesome Comics with Relatable Everyday Humor
Dave Coverly is back with some hilarious single-panel comics featuring animals in funny situations.
16 Parenthood Comics That’ll Make You Roll In the Aisles
These witty comics show the funny side of having a family and parenting
When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Funny Solutions!
Take a look at these 17 hilarious fixes and DIY projects and marvel at the creativity of the people who came up with them.
These Senior Cartoons Will Make Anyone Laugh Out Loud
A collection of 20 hilarious comic strips and funny cartoons about aging.
These Funny Animals Will Make Your Day!
Share this video with anyone you loves funny and fun animals.
These Funny Restaurant Signs Will Turn Your Day Around
This Texas restaurant has been making people laugh for years with its side-splitting signs.