Cats have this weird ability to be unintentionally funny while doing the simplest of things – sleeping, eating, or just staring at something. Sure, they are cute and cuddly too, but as these pictures prove, some cats can make you laugh out loud with their bizarre antics. Scroll on for a hearty chuckle!
25 Precious Animal Moments You’ve Got to See
Here’s the photo collection you’ve been waiting for...
Hilarious! These Animals Are So Annoyed By Their Children
Who doesn't like to look at funny animal pictures? Brighten up your day with this collection of cute and funny animal family photos.
Why Are These Big Cats Behaving Like Cute Kittens?
Big cats, small cats, it doesn't matter; they are all the same…
Explained: Why Do Cats Like To Sleep With Their Owners?
Watch this video to find out the reasons why do cats love to sleep with their owners so much.
Having a Dull Day? These Funny Animals Will Make You Smile
Let’s meet some hilariously cute animals that are sure to bring an instant smile to your face.
20 Adorably Funny Animal Pics That Will Brighten Your Day
Sometimes, all you need is some adorably funny animal pictures to brighten your day
Hilariously Funny DIY Fixes (16 Pics)
These hilarious pictures show some of the most unique DIY botch-jobs.
The Light Side of Science: 15 Witty Quotes
We never thought science could make us laugh so much!
I Dare You Not to Laugh at These Silly Signs
Who on earth put these pointless signs all over our streets?!
Hilarious: The 6 Important Lessons of Life!
These life lessons are actually short hilarious jokes!
These Witty Rejoinders Just Gave Me a Big Grin!
These zingers come from the mischievous mouths of history's most loved celebrities. Prepare to laugh.
These One Page Comics Will Make You Burst Out Laughing!
Lonnie Easterling has been drawing hilarious "Spud Comics" for nearly a decade now. Here are twenty of our favorite ones.
Hilarious: I Swear This Box Just Grew On Its Own!
These people are either failing their vision or their sanity!
Hilarious: Mr. Bean is Looking for Something...
Leave it to Mr. Bean to make it a hilarious search!
Fun-Loving Grandparents: These Photos Will Make Your Day!
To help crush the negative stereotypes that sometimes surround the elderly, here are 20 fantastic photos of grandparents acting absolutely hilariously!
Only in Canada: Hilarious Snaps of Canadian Life
If you think your winter is bad, it may be that the Canadian 'spring', and definitely their winter, would prove a bit much for you to handle...
HILARIOUS: 20 Signs That Are Too Funny to Pass By
We could all use a bit of laughter these days, and what’s better than brilliantly funny signs?
You've Got to See These Signs This Adorable Pup Is Holding
This dog’s protest signs will have you laughing out loud.
12 Sarcastic Gems from Famous Philosophers
These philosophers had a surprising sense of humor.
Hilarious: How Weirs is the English Language?
English is a really funny language, especially when considering how meanings can be changed when punctuation's omitted. Take a look at these 9 hysterical memes.
Here's Proof That Wrong Spacing Can Ruin Any Sign...
Sometimes, a tiny mistake like a space in the wrong place can make all the difference, turning an ordinary sign into the most hilarious one you've ever seen!
The Best Husbands Have the Best Sense of Humor!
Married women will be able to related to these. You ask your husband to do one simply thing, and they take it as an excuse to goof off. See 10 hilarious pics.
These Funny Notes Were Left For Inconsiderate Thieves
Sometimes, people don’t take very kindly to have their stuff stolen…
Meet 12 People Who Have Perfected the Art of Laziness
Are they lazy, or are they secret geniuses?
Funny: I Wouldn't Want to Encounter Mr. Bean on the Road!
Mr. Bean is late for an appointment so he has the "great" idea of getting changed while driving...
These Funny Restaurant Signs Just Made Me Laugh Out Loud
Enjoy this collection of hilarious restaurant signs.
Hilarious: Why You DON'T Send a Man to the Grocery Store
Sending a man grocery shopping - what could possibly go wrong?
15 Hilariously Cute Comics That Cat Owners Will Adore
Here is a collection of 15 hilarious comic strips based on the funny adventures of different cats. Pet owners are sure to chuckle at these.
The 1900s Had Some BIZARRE Predictions About Today...
These wild predictions about the future were way off.
Add Some Humor to Your Day With These One-Frame Funnies!
Enjoy these funny and cute single panel comics by artist Maria Scrivan.
Hilarious: Are These Weirdest Signs Ever Made?
Enjoy this hilarious compilation of weird signs that will have you in stitches!
Hilarious: These Christmas Cartoons Made Me Laugh Out Lo
This is the best time of the year to laugh all together as a family with these Christmas funnies.
Hilarious! 16 Photos of Cops Having a Good Time...
These 16 photos prove that police officers can have a cracking sense of humor!
These One-Frame Funnies Are Perfect for a Quick Laugh
Enjoy a hilarious collection of single-panel comics by artist Sarah Morrissette.
These Child Letters to God are Both Touching and Hilarious
The letters these kids write are astounding.
The Most Hilarious Car Bumper Stickers Ever...
Here are some of the most hilarious car bumper stickers ever.
Classic Comedy: Lucy Goes to Work at a Chocolate Factory
What happens when Lucy and Ethel go to work at a factory?
Funny! These Poor Buildings Are Having an Identity Crisis
Here are 20 hilarious buildings around the world that look nothing like an ordinary house. One could even say that these buildings are having an identity crisis.
17 Hilarious Quotes That Sum Up the Quirks of Traveling
Explore the world of humor through these funny travel quotes.
These Hilarious Kids Were Left Unsupervised...
When toddlers or young children are left on their own, the likelihood is a disaster will ensue. Here are 20 timely reminders why they shouldn't be left alone!
The Most Hilarious Collection of Police Reports (16 Pics)
Sometimes the police reports are the best part of the paper!
Quirky Shop Signs That’ll Leave You Smiling
These shop signs prove that many shopkeepers still have a healthy sense of humor!
These Hilariously Bad Illustrated Puns Will Make You Laugh
Who doesn't love a funny pun? The ones featured here are adorably illustrated and are sure to make you chuckle.
Hilarious: There Must be a SAFER Way to Do These Things!
These work safety fail pictures will make you anxious... and then make you laugh out loud!