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This is One Unique Photoshoot!

We all know a picture is worth a thousand words, but a hilariously bad family photoshoot has earned over 377,000 comments and 360,000 likes on Facebook. It all started when the Zaring family were contacted by a middle-aged woman, advertising herself as an experienced photographer.

She took them to a popular forest in St. Louis where they paid her $250 to take some beautiful snaps. After 8 months of post-production, the Zarings received a package containing a disc. After they opened the images, they almost died of laughterโ€ฆ

One Unique Photoshoot


One Unique Photoshoot

The photographer said  that "the shadows were really bad on the beautiful, clear, sunny day and that her professor never taught her how to retouch photos."

One Unique Photoshoot
One Unique Photoshoot
One Unique Photoshoot
One Unique Photoshoot
One Unique Photoshoot

However, despite these photos obviously not being what the family were after, they don't want a refund from the photographer as they say that the laughter was worth the money they spent. 


H/T: boredpanda

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