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These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!

It's easy to fall into the complacency trap when you've been in a relationship for quite a while. This is why it's essential to have a good sense of humor and spice things up unexpectedly every now and again. Some husbands buy their wives flowers, while others take them out on a romantic date. However, we think that nothing really says 'I love you' like a darn good practical joke!
Here are 20 hilarious photos of things that husbands and boyfriends have done to surprise their significant others:
1. While his wife was out of town, this smart man decided to have a formal dinner with their cats.
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
2. There's nothing like a heartwarming dedication at the start of a book...
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
3. The perfect T-shirt to wear while your wife goes into labor.
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
4. I don't get why she's not happy... She said she wanted a golden retriever, and that's exactly what I gave her!
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
5. You'd think she'd be a bit more grateful for her 3 carrot ring!
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
6. My wife only said she'd wear this if I wore it first. How well do you think I pulled it off?
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
7. When this guy won a dream vacation for one, these are the photos he sent his wife...
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
8. When the wife asks you to make a sponge cake...
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
9. This is bound to end badly...
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
10. My wife asked me to solve our fly problem.
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
11. Here's what happens when you realize that your girlfriend's hair extensions match your own hair.
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
12. I had to undergo minor surgery today, and my husband didn't want to take any chances...
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
13. It seems that my wife isn't a fan of my poetry any longer...
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
14. My girlfriend asked me to shave her cat. Here's the glorious result!
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
15. My wife didn't want to have a maternity photo shoot, so I did it on her behalf.
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
16. My wife promised to stop laughing at my Crocs if I could find uglier footwear.
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
17. My wife was overjoyed to receive flours at her office!
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
18. My fiancee asked me to take a serious photo with all of the groomsmen. I'm sure you'd agree that we look like we mean business...
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!
19. Sometimes a single letter can change everything!
These Husbands Are Absolutely Outrageous!


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