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These Epic Design Fails Are as Funny as it Gets!

The tasks weโ€™re about to show you are not rocket science. Hanging a swing, drawing an arrow on the pavement, or writing a label for chicken drumsticks are all pretty straightforward assignments. Yet, the people tasked to complete them have somehow managed to fail so tremendously that the resulting design flops keep circling on the internet and making millions of people laugh even today!

1. Whoever wrote this sign doesn't really know what chickens look like...

design fails chicken
Image Source: Acid Cow

2. Someone please explain the thinking behind this parking lot fiasco!

design fails parking lot
Image Source: Acid Cow

3. A balcony inside a balcony!

design fails balcony inside a balcony
Image Source: Acid Cow

4. Now this is just sloppy craftsmanship!

design fails cake
Image Source: Acid Cow

5. Hilariously close!

design fails time wounds all heels
Image Source: Acid Cow

6. One way only - but which way?

design fails One way only
Image Source: Acid Cow

7. Why does this thing even exist?

design fails cup inside out
Image Source: Acid Cow

8. Close, but no!

design fails sotp
Image Source: Acid Cow

9. What an epic miscalculation!

design fails tree and pavement
Image Source: Acid Cow

10. Coming up with a funny sign idea is easier than we thought!

11. The bottles of these two things shouldn't be so easy to confuse...

design fails insect repellant and canola oil
Image Source: Reddit

12. How ironic!

design fails no smoking
Image Source: Acid Cow

13. So in which direction should I go?

design fails two arrows
Image Source: Acid Cow

14. Did you mean 'retinal photography' by any chance?

design fails retinal photography
Image Source: Reddit

15. What a dreamy location for a swing!

design fails swing
Image Source: Acid Cow
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