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These Dogs Are Too Weird For Words!

Even the greatest dog lovers have to admit that our canine friends can often act a bit weird. Just like us humans, every dog has its own unique personality, as well as its fair share of good days and bad days. Below you'll find 20 incredibly funny pictures of dogs in the strangest of situations, which are bound to make you laugh!
1. I was trying to enjoy a nice hot bath when this happened...
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
2. Just my neighbor's dog defying the laws of gravity. Nothing unusual here.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
3. Don't mind me, I'm just hanging around.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
4. I'm pretty sure this isn't normal.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
5. My friend witnessed an attempted kidnapping at the pet grooming spa!
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
6. There's simply nowhere a running start can't get you.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
7. This is how my dog likes to spend most of his evenings.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
8. Just a baby husky enjoying his time in the hot tub.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
9. This is how my dad's dog tries to get attention.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
10. My dog likes to offer tokens of friendship to the 'big dogs.'
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
11. Can you believe these dogs fell asleep fighting over a tennis ball?
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
12. Draw me like one of your French girls!
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
13. My dog found this while we were camping, and refused to give it up!
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
14. We turned our couch on its side to stop our dog from hiding underneath it. This is what happened next...
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
15. We all have that one friend with a unique personality.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
16. Stop looking at my coconuts!
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
17. My dog plant is looking very healthy for this time of year.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
18. I suppose my fire pit will have to serve as a dog fort for the time being.
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
19. After eating though her bed, my graceful princess managed to get her head trapped!
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!
20. Wouldn't want to catch a cold!
These Dogs Are Weird and Hilarious!

Source: boredpanda

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