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These Car Bumper Stickers Are Rolling Billboards of Comedy

Cars tell us a lot about their owners. The model, the color, the cleanliness level - all these aspects reveal something about the person behind the wheel. But nothing broadcasts a driver's personality quite like their choice of bumper stickers. These small adhesive rectangles turn ordinary vehicles into rolling statements.

Some drivers stick to political views. Others advertise their hobbies or family status. The truly entertaining ones, though, are those who use their bumpers for comedy. This collection rounds up sixteen of the most absurd, creative, and oddly specific bumper declarations ever spotted in traffic.

Related: Laugh Out Loud at These 15 Hilarious Bumper Stickers

1. That's unhinged

Bumper Stickers

2. Clever

Bumper Stickers

3. Oh, I love this!

Bumper Stickers

4. It does

Bumper Stickers

5. Eat sand? Why?

Bumper Stickers

6. They have a lot on their mind, clearly

Bumper Stickers

7. As you should

Bumper Stickers

8. I love Snoopy, yes

Bumper Stickers

9. Nah, I'll pass

Bumper Stickers

10. Oddly specific

Bumper Stickers

11. Drive away from this person fast!

Bumper Stickers

12. Point noted

Bumper Stickers

13. Understandable

Bumper Stickers

14. Burn!

Bumper Stickers

15. Alright, if you say so

Bumper Stickers
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