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17 Hilarious Advertisement Fails

Creating a good advert is an art form of sorts. It takes creativity, wit, and inspiration. When executed well, the results can be truly impressive. However, not every billboard ad is successful. Some are just ordinary while others stand out for all the wrong reasons. The ads below all belong to the last category. Whether it’s an off-putting slogan, product placement that has gone wrong, or a questionable design overall, it’s clear that something went wrong in the process of making these ads.

While they may not convince you to purchase a product or a service, these hilariously bad ads will surely succeed at cracking you up.

1. If you only see the left side, you will be very confused...
Funny Advertising Fails, If you only see the left side, you might be very confused...

Image Source: Reddit

2. This is an ad for graduation photography
Funny Advertising Fails, ad for graduation photography

Image Source: Reddit

3. If you’re going to use the dumbbell as an “I”, then you don’t need another “I”
Funny Advertising Fails, If you’re going to use the dumbbell as an “I” then you don’t need another “I”

4. A bargain that's hard to resist 
Funny Advertising Fails, anxiety disorders for $45

Image Source: Reddit

5. Sometimes, the answer happens to be inside the boxFunny Advertising Fails, Sometimes, the answer happens to be inside the box

Image Source: Reddit

6. Just stick to cutting hair, pleaseFunny Advertising Fails   Please don't cut my kid

Image Source: Reddit

7. I'm not sure I'd like to be THAT flexibleFunny Advertising Fails, yoga class ad

Image Source: Reddit

8. Joining hands is literally the opposite of what you should be doing to make a hospital "infection free"Funny Advertising Fails, Joining hands is s surefire way to make the hospital "infection free"

9. Me and my clones are on the jobFunny Advertising Fails, Me and my clones are on the job

Image Source: Reddit

10. Why would I want to buy any of them?Funny Advertising Fails, these PCs won't last long

11. I can't even figure out what they were trying to sayFunny Advertising Fails, I can't even figure out what they were trying to say

Image Source: Reddit

12. This bus portal just appeared out of nowhereFunny Advertising Fails, This portal into a bus just appeared out of nowhere

Image Source: Reddit

13. It's all about the angleFunny Advertising Fail, library ad

Image Source: Reddit

14. The lack of fresh air is a real problem when you're in a convertible...Funny Advertising Fail, air freshener for a convertible

Image Source: Reddit

15. This isn't exactly how a scale worksFunny Advertising Fails, scale

Image Source: Reddit

16. So... I shouldn't look at the road?Funny Advertising Fails, don't look away

Image Source: Reddit

17. Someone did a terrible job at photoshopping this laptop stand into the photo, and it's not even being usedFunny Advertising Fails, poorly photoshopped laptop stand

Image Source: Reddit
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