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The Hilarious Ambitions of Young Children

You can always rely upon children to say the funniest things, and here's more proof! These kids were asked to share their ambitions and wishes. Their responses were brilliant, sometimes bordering on genius!

1. What little Albert lacks in ambition, he makes up for with honesty.

Ambitious Kids

2. Some people just want to be exactly like their best friend...

Ambitious Kids

3.This child refuses to follow modern dietary plans. 

Ambitious Kids

4. Ambition comes at a high prices these days...

Ambitious Kids

5. Why not just get right to the point?

Ambitious Kids

6. This wannabe Bond villain displays high ambition, albeit in a fairly sinister way!

Ambitious Kids

7. This fashion conscious hat lover has slightly less lofty dreams!

Ambitious Kids

8. It must have been an awkward moment when this class were told that only one could be Batman.

Ambitious Kids

9. That escalated quickly...

Ambitious Kids

10. The child who just wanted to dress up as a table for Halloween.

Ambitious Kids

11. Mexican heaven on Earth.

Ambitious Kids

12. This child may have had a row with her mother in the morning.

Ambitious Kids

13. This child is not afraid of any bearded, red coat wearing magical men.

Ambitious Kids

14. Get rid of war, then we will deal with slightly annoying pop stars.

Ambitious Kids

15. This kid is pretty sure that Santa has the internet, and access to Amazon

Amazon wishes

16. Some things money can't buy?

Ambitious Kids

17. I'm not sure what this little girl's favorite TV program is...

Ambitious Kids

18. Graham isn't expecting to live to a ripe old age, but he's not going to let that stop him.

Ambitious Kids

19. The sweet child who just wants to follow in Mom's footsteps...

Ambitious Kids

20. If you are going to enjoy your world's supply of pizza, you need to make sure that those pesky dinosaurs don't spoil the moment...

Ambitious Kids


Source: justsomething

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