"My nose is like an instrument - I can pick it or blow it!"
"Ah, Larry, you missed the antelope."
"Yes. Thank you. I noticed." (Long sigh...)
"This isn't my day."
Content and Image Source: BoredPanda
Go Away, Kitten! It's MY Bed - Hilarious Pet Video
The reaction of this golden retriever when he found a kitten relaxing in his bed is just priceless!
These Photos Prove the Past Was a Funny Place...
These photos prove the past was just as bizarre as today!
HILARIOUS! Animals Seeing Themselves in Mirrors
Watch these funny animals react to their reflection in the mirror.
This Baby Boar Thinks She's a Puppy - AWW!
Yezhu loves belly rubs and wags her tail when she's happy. She thinks of herself as a dog, just like the other pets in her home. But Yezhu is a wild boar...
15 Pictures of Silly Goofy Dogs!
Enjoy a collection of 15 funny dogs that will make you laugh out loud even on the gloomiest of days!
Watch Buster Keaton's Hilarious Antics in This Funny Short
Enjoy Buster Keaton's classic 1920 short "One Week" now in glorious color!
These Terribly Designed Homes are Sure to Make You Giggle!
If these hilarious design fails taught me anything itโs to always measure and consult professionals before renovating my home on my own!
These 18 Pictures Sum Up What Itโs Like to Visit Canada
Just like any country in the world, Canada has its funny quirks. These are the funny things that make Canada special!
Need a Laugh? Watch these Animals!
This collection of pictures features some adorable animals caught making unintentionally hilarious faces.
Hilarious: Why You DON'T Send a Man to the Grocery Store
Sending a man grocery shopping - what could possibly go wrong?
These Funny Illustrations Show What Life Is Like With Kids!
Jim Benton is a cartoonist and illustrator who has managed to capture life with young kids perfectly. Take a look at his hilarious drawings.
The Humor of Einstein: Hilarious Quotes You've Never Heard
These quotes prove Albert Einstein had a funny side too.
14 Fun Animal Photos Snapped at the Perfect Time
These are some of the funniest and most well-timed animal photos weโve ever seen!
Funny Signs: 14 Hilariously Awkward Attempts at Humor
These hilarious sign fails will leave you in stitches.
What On Earth Is the EMT Doing to That Boy!? (Funny)
This hilarious prank sees an injured boy and an EMT pretending to close a wound on the boy's leg using a stapler. Watch people fall for it now!
We Guarantee That These Dumb Jokes Will Make You Giggle
Here is a collection of jokes that are so dumb they're actually quite funny.
This Hilarious Seminar Teaches Couples All About Humor!
Marriage counselling is not for me - I prefer a bit of common sense to help my relationship along. That's why I loved this funny seminar by Mark Gungor.
These One Frame Comics Are Guaranteed To Brighten Your Day
Sometimes, a single panel of a comic strip can contain so much wit and humor, and these one frame cartoons certainly prove it!
These Husband-and-Wife Pranks Are Too Funny Not to Share...
Here are 20 of the funniest things that husbands and boyfriends have done to surprise their significant others.
If You Don't Laugh at These, You Are Irony-Deficient...
The Irony Is Strong in These Photos...
HILARIOUS: 15 Times People Failed the Only Job They Had
The most hilarious examples of hilarious work fails.
Hilarious: Here's Proof Laughter IS Contagious!
What happens when we test this popular theory about laughter?
Some Animals Just Weren't Meant to Be Pets...
These pet owners aren't interested in cats, dogs, fish and birds like you and me. They prefer something a little wilder, and well, stranger...
These Hilarious Tweets Show What Marriage Is REALLY Like...
These Tweets from newly-married men take away all the glamour and mystery from marriage, however their spin on things is nothing short of hilarious.
Hilarious: 15 Signs You Love Coffee Just a Bit Too Much
This is how you can tell if you don't just like coffee, but love it!
Hilarious: We Can All Identify With These Signs!
El Arroyo restaurant is back to make you laugh with its hilarious collection of new funny signs.
Hilarious: Mr. Bean is Looking for Something...
Leave it to Mr. Bean to make it a hilarious search!
Simon's Cat Leaves His Owner Out in the Cold!
Watch this latest Christmas Special episode of Simon's Cat.
Funny Stand Up: Can't Argue With Wife Post Surgery!
Jim Gaffigan in a funny stand up video about arguing with his wife after her brain surgery.
FUNNY: 16 Signs That Will Leave You Scratching Your Head
We are here to make you laugh with this hilarious collection of funny signs.
Winter Can Be CRAZY Sometimes - 16 Bizarre Pics
These chilly pictures show just how crazy and harsh winter can be.
These Rude 'Chinese' Proverbs Got Me Laughing
Ok, so they may not really be Chinese, but they are certainly funny!
Prank: What's the Boss Doing with That Gorgeous Blonde?
With the boss's wife coming and about to catch him in a compromising position, these unsuspecting members of the public don't know what to do.
Unexpectedly Funny Street Photos: 15 Must-See Pics
Our streets are filled with spontaneous, chuckle-worthy scenes.
A Collection of Senior Cartoons to Make You Laugh Out Loud
Laughter is the best way to deal with all the negatives that comes with old age. Therefore, we have compiled 11 funny senior cartoons for your amusement.
These Funny Signs Will Crack You Up
Who doesn't love a funny sign? This collection will leave you grinning from ear to ear.
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