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Ridiculous Vintage News Stories That Seem Too Wild Today

Back in the early 20th century, news reporting wasn’t quite what it is today. Headlines were bold, strange, and often downright bizarre. The things that made the front page then might leave us shaking our heads now, but they also provide a good laugh. 

In this article, we'll take a peek into the past and discover 14 hilariously odd newspaper clippings that wouldn't pass today. These quirky snippets from the past reveal a world where the news was both entertaining and, at times, completely unfiltered. 

Related: Newspaper Headlines Can Sometimes Be Ridiculously Funny

1. Where did he learn those words in the first place?

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

2. That's one rowdy crow

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

3. Why?!

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

4. Never knew frogs like eating shirts

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

5. I'm sorry, what?!

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

6. That goat needs therapy

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

7. This church really took the phrase 'self-care' to the extreme

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

8. Pickle Justice

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

9. Are they?

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

10. Yeah, that really is odd

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

11. What did I jus read?!

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

12. Smart

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

13. Now they tell us

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings

14. I feel bad for the 20th century babies

Hilarious Vintage Newspaper Clippings
All images: ebaumsworld
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