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Not All Photobombs Are Bad. Here Are Some Hilarious Ones

Imagine you found a beautiful location near a riverside in the afternoon to take a selfie. But after youโ€™ve pushed the camera button, you realize instead of the perfect shot of the water and sun behind you, a bird decided to push itself into the frameโ€ฆ Photobombing, where someone unexpectedly appears in the camera's field of view just as the picture is taken, can often result in awkward and hilarious moments. Sometimes it's accidental and sometimes it's deliberate, but some photobombings can really make you laugh. Here, we have shared some hilarious photobombing moments where the things in the background just stole the show. 

Related: This is NOT How These Photos Were Supposed to Go

1. Cute witness 

Epic Photobombing Moments, dolphin, wedding
Image source: Reddit

2. Jesus Christ! 

Epic Photobombing Moments, Jesus Christ! 
Image source: Izismile

3. That train driver in the background looks to have really enjoyed being part of the photo

Epic Photobombing Moments, train driver
Image source: Reddit

4. A baby with a cat's tail!!! Is this the cutest photobomb or what?

Epic Photobombing Moments, baby
Image source: Reddit

5. Photobombed by a dolphin

Epic Photobombing Moments, dolphin
Image source: Reddit

6. That's some expert-level photobombing right there

Epic Photobombing Moments,
Image source: Izsimile

7. Classic kid move

Epic Photobombing Moments, kid
Image source: Imgur

8. "Hey, Larry, can I be in the pic too? Can I?"

Epic Photobombing Moments, camels

9. This horse looks to be bored of couples taking pictures near him and finally had enough 

Epic Photobombing Moments, horse

10. That kid behind is full of swag 

Epic Photobombing Moments, kid
Image source: Twitter

11. Oh, dear! 

Epic Photobombing Moments, dog
Image source: Reddit

12. When a friendly stingray decides to drop by unannounced on your picture 

Epic Photobombing Moments, stingray
Image source: Reddit

13. "You guys takin' a photo or somethin'?"

Epic Photobombing Moments, giraffe
Image source: Reddit

14. Aww... You can almost feel the jealousy on its face 

Epic Photobombing Moments, dog
Image source: Reddit

15. Now, that's what you call a perfect photobomb 

Epic Photobombing Moments,
Image source: Reddit
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